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Showing posts from 2009

I am the Roots of the Earth Spilt out upon the Linolum Floor

Transmission from within "The Matrix" You are slaves and I know only because I am writing from the slave pits, where we are Duracell batteries and forced to earn countless sums of money for the government, the legal systems and the credit companies! I know that if I dedicated myself to it I could see what the priests of the Vatican see! The shaman of the Santo dame church see it too! They see herd mentality, sheep, hardworking slaves and they do nothing directly. These organizations like the Illuminati, step out of the light and into the shadows behind the scenes being played out. So many of my fathers and teachers teeter between being shameless pushovers and honorable thieves. As I have learned from my fathers, as I remember now as I sit in the courthouse, it's better to outsmart and do as the law makers due in Babylon: Create loopholes in lost laws based on their creator's hypocrisy! Maybe this is the turning point when I the alchemist give up my possessions because

Order of the Sacred Spiral Teachings Go Global

Dear Friends, Tonight we begin our series of conference calls and thus tonight marks the beginning of International community, education and sharing. As a result of this global change, I felt it necessary to communicate some key points. 1. Our community is an education based organization in which we never turn someone away, although we always ask for a donation or trade for our teachings/teachers. Thank you for whatever you give/offer in advance. 2. Please visit our website to pay through that medium or visit and select the "send money" option and enter "" or "" if you are able to make a donation. (Suggested $5 but anything is welcome! If you cannot donate please email us and let us know so that we can send you the conference call information) 3. 11/24/09 at 6pm PST The Intro to Shamanism and Ethnobotany series is a special one and to be part of it from the beginning is an

The Evolving Sacred Spiral

An Entry created on the New Moon of November 2009. Monday the 16th in the 11th month about four days after recovering from the flu. Hello Yogis and Alchemists, Tonight is the New Moon. It is void of course until after 6pm tonight, therefore a meeting at 7pm would be timely! So there are lots of changes occurring in our community and with the seasons of San Diego. I have personally been involved in helping friends move, cleaning old stagnate energies out of homes and offices and bodies. I have been sick twice (like many of my friends and fellow citizens of America) with the flu. And yet, my resolve remains steadfast towards creating consistent gatherings, mastermind meetings and conference calls, and including many many more people in our communal vision for peace, healing, and self discovery. I promise that myself and several select teachers are working around the clock and holding an amazing alchemical space for 2010. Thus, tonight's meeting is about sharing and gathering us in a

Tarot Cards at Radiance Festival

Dear Friends, As you may know, I sometimes fill the shoes of an Oracle and have been seen at special occasions doing readings (usually with Cards) for people. Just over the weekend past, I did a few readings at Radiance Festival for friends and others who were intrigued with this intuitive form of information. I read with the Animals Divine Tarot by Lisa Hunt primarily and I wanted to share with my friends the meaning of a card that continuously came up on Saturday night (Oct. 10th, 2009): The World (Gaia, a Greek Goddess, Major Arcana Card #21) Symbols: Recognizing and embracing all living things as an important part of universal balance is a reflection of truly becoming in tune with one's being. The snake represents rebirth, renewal, and intuition. The spirals are symbolic of the creative life force. Its eternal rotation echoes the eternal cycle of the seasons, life, death, and rebirth. Leaves are indicative of the universal life pattern: rejoice in their budding and mourn their

Light up! LIGHT UP! - "In the Garden of Shadow Masks...(part 2)"

Dear Friends, I awoke today after the full moon, the weekend having just passed. I was lit up with a burning pain in my hip and inwardly, as I rolled awake, to scream "let go....let GOOOOO!". In bed I shouted at my Mom, Maternal Grandfather, Grandfather's Father, and all of our shared Ancestors....for release of my pain and of my dysfunctional muscles. My beloved had left the bedroom already and she was fully dressed when she greeted me as I lay there in bed, pain, and with an Ipod Touch in my hand furiously researching Ayahausca plant medicine in hopes of answers. I learned what herbs the magical formula needed in a matter of minutes through various sites listed on Google. I was ravenous for answers and solutions. It was suggested to me about three weeks ago to do this sort of Shamanic Medicine Work, as a way of purging my Ancestors' diseases from my body by a dear friend and Hawaii medicine woman. After my lover stared at me for several minutes, and I slowly sickene

The Masks Can Go But The Hats Remain!

Dear Friends, I have noticed lately the difference between my masks and my hats as a human and a person on the path to healing. First of all, I know that my Masks and Hats are simply archetypes and divine movements of the collective unconscious. It has been an epic journey this 2009, as I have taken on some new hats, put on old masks to see if they still fit (and most of them did), and set aside or packed away hats that were just getting worn out and over-used. For example, my hat as a yoga instructor has worn out its welcome. I have discovered that yoga is a path that I will definitely support and heal through but is a field of interest that here in America comes with many many many politics and boundary discovering events. Plus there is certainly something to be said about the income of yoga instructors being lame or maybe it's society's relationship to Yoga teachers as under-privileged fitness trainers. I really have learned about my relationship to the title of yoga instruc

In the Garden of Shadow Masks, Ceremony and Ancestors

Dear Friends, There comes a time when one chooses to invoke Healing and it perhaps leads us to the past or the areas in our life that we have left behind for whatever reason. It is that time for me. During my recent path to healing and while practicing Shamanic herbs and guidance on my Medicine Path, I was led to do a parasite cleanse. I am in the portion of the cleanse in which most people get sick, from the little critters dying off and decomposing in my body...and it has been interesting. Let me say this from an Anthropological perspective before I further discuss my specific situation; in many tribes, a tribal shaman is tested for their ability (especially as they are growing up) to transmute toxins or highly trans-formative substances...IE. in Peru they pick a child with shamanic tendancies and start them on Ayauwaska at a young age of 8 (sometimes younger). For this cleanse, during my trek to the White Mountains of Arizona this summer...I was led to gather and prepare Wormwood fo

Shamanic Healing and Bhakti Fest

Dear Friends, Are you going to Bhakti Fest? Sacred Spiral community and many of our friends are going and we'll probably be camping together. Join us and exchange energy or get some healing. I am with the Amazon Herb Co/Maca Root booth and as you know I have been studying Shamanic Herbs and Energy Healing for the last two years, and this will be an awesome test for my skills as an Alchemist. My master teacher Medicine Deer, will also be present and guiding me in my remedies and recipes (so if you think something is out of my hands or above my skill set--there will be someone who definately knows best present). I am planning on bringing my Massage table in order to practice healing with Alchemy, Energetic Percussion, Reiki, Aromatherapy, Shamanic Sound Healing and Journey work, and application of Essential oils for healing to Reflexology points on the body. Also join us for meals and fun around the fire. During the day, feel free to request healing on sliding scale donation basis..

I, Projector...Moon...and Teachers

Dear Friends, It is an evening of initiation, reflective healing, and friendly masters. It's also the evening before the moon goes full in September 2009. I am pleased with my choices as of yesterday after completing my class on Frankincense at the Library last night when I took feelings to action by taking private retreat in the mountains near Lake Hodges. I am on Vision Quest and staying at a place where I do landscaping while the residents are off at Burning Man. Much to my dismay, several months ago, I learned that my Lunar cycle is transmuted from Manifesting Generator to Projector. Almost momentarily after interpreting this information, I recognized that I do this crazy shift around the full moon, and especially as of late, I have noticed that it's better to be by myself and sleep completely alone for the utmost healing. So many visions came to me this morning in my rest. When I awoke, it was slow to return to this world but none-the-less, I went for a swim and reached ou

Our Magickal School: Potions 101, Shamanic Herbs, and Yoga Hikes

Dear Friends, It have been a fun and abundant summer. You may have noticed that our group schedule has grown full and furthermore my own schedule is left with sparse sections of time for myself. Although, I am fully present everyday, creating something new and revealing something old and alchemical to my friends or students. I have being reading novels, learning languages, and studying reference manuals vigorously everyday...except for that delicate time of balance and discovery when I am on the road traveling the coast of California or the Spiritual South-west (without A/C in my car mind you!). I hope to release more tales of my understanding, awareness, and travels this summer and very soon. Know that I am working intensely on an awareness I have never had before, maybe something that only a few have ever had. I don't remember my childhood (it's a haze between doses of ADD medicine) but every time I set out on the road, I fun myself reaching into the dark v

Initiation, Ancestors, and my Grandma

My Dear Friends, Thank you for being patient with me as I move through the different levels of my process (all of which have been "out of my comfort zone" as you may be aware from status updates). The truth of the matter was that I planned to journey to Peru between June and July and instead ended up in Sante Fe with wonderful community and a very supportive teacher. Shamanism and shamanic ideas are ripe and alive here. I have really enjoyed my experience here, usually in retrospect because of all the discomfort. I sense that I am learning exactly what I am ready for. I have processing so much. More than I could have ever imagined here. To my amazement, learning divination (which was what I planned on doing) has become this very HUMAN process of finding clarity and feeling into my past, my family, my future intentions with Business and Community, my ancestors, my daily body pain, and the healing of my ancestors. I have chosen to look at the Teachings I embrace and embody and

My Magnum Opus

Dear Friends and Students, It has been my life's work since my becoming a man and learning about my path through Shamanic Initiation and rite of passage, to seek the truth and the origins of man and the spiritual experience such that others (of similar intention and commitment to truth) will learn about who they are and where they come from. Hence, as many have before me, I seek the Tree of Life in Shamanism and the Philosopher's Stone in Alchemy. If you are on this path of seeking with me, I welcome you to share as I am an open source for the information and truth and faith I have experienced. Thank you for your interest in our community and our growing Order of Sacred Spiral members. Here is some good information about the Tree of Life and other relevant items: Wiki Tree of Life: "As buds give rise by growth to fresh buds, and these, if vigorous, branch out and overtop on all sides many a feebler branch, so by generation I believe it has been with the great Tree of Lif

May Angels lead you the sleepless space between

Dear Friends, It has been about 36 hours since I have had a normal sleep cycle. Some of my community members and I went to see the Hugging Saint in LA on Friday night (june 19th). We were up all night while Amma hugged person after person, body after body. Our hugs were given and received at about 5am and we arrived early (like 5pm and the event opens officially at 7pm). The energy: In that room,in that place, in the company of all those people with the same intention for progress and peace there was no sleep or being tired. I had no trouble meditating and experienced (through my usual body pain and tension) a withdrawal from senses and the usual distractions. The room was loud and the was constant movement, and still I was alite with divine fire and experienced peace and purification. I am certain of my path and joyful in the answers (or rather confirmation of the inner wisdom) that I received on that night. I recall sitting where I was in the audience meditating and experiencing a gl

Let Me Talk To Lisa

"Let me talk to Lisa...No, not Lisa Simpson--Lisa Starr" As in the Starr of my Life, at the centre of my Heart & Soul. Existence...-*** Or be it the Starr (in an early deck of mine) as a woman washing her hair- STARK- in the Nude-Underneath the Starrs and the night sky And of course, Lisa has two daughters with/living/running Flowing down by the stream-creek-stream by their home... Going home... home to sisters and women and cooking and eating and feeling same/safe in the Kitchen In the Winter and warm always warm. Thank You. (reader takes a long deep Breath) So Lisa, you you are YOU ARE the one that started this That staRRted (with two r's) this. Your kitchen, your womb, your invitation= Shaman on Facebook, Neo-Shaman whose feminine force (especially at home) makes me put my long black hair down To hang freely in your presence Like the presence of God as a Lion+Leo= C.S. Lewis _________________________ Starred Started me with the Dreaming Starred Started me with the

Bio for Member Trevahr Ryan Hughes

Trevahr was born and raised in Southern California, has since childhood taken to science and spiritual studies. Beginning at an early age and without aid from his parents, young Trevahr began studing yogic meditation at the age of 9. Directly following his High School Education in Carlsbad, Trevahr attended college in San Diego where he started a rigorous study of Hatha Yoga and Eastern Philosophy in 2004. In 2005, Trevahr made an active decision to become a teacher of Yoga and Meditation to help others on their path to joy and awareness. While teacher training, he created a business as a Yoga Instructor and Entrepreneur. His path continued to evolve and a steady practice of Shamanic arts continued to influence his life goals and path from the years of 2003 to present. Trevahr Hughes intends daily to create new yoga practices infused with the old ways of Alchemy and Shamanic wisdom by being a channel for Source energy. Thus as a teacher of yoga, he teaches so that one class builds upon

Why Raw foods and why switch?

The first thing that is lost when you cook something is its' water content. Our bodies are between 60% and 70% water. Vegetables and fruits are loaded with water, and it is structured water that better facilitates our biological processes. Cooking denatures the proteins in our food, rendering them harder to digest and utilize. Cooking destroys 50 percent of the protein in our food. Between 50 and 80 percent of the vitamins and minerals are also destroyed. Pesticides break down into more toxic compounds, which are more easily assimilated into our bodies. Oxygen is lost and free radicals are produced. Most importantly, enzymes are destroyed when food is heated above 118 degrees. Enzymes are the catalysts of every chemical reaction in our bodies. Without them, there can be no cellular division, immune system functioning, energy production nor brain activity. No vitamins or hormones can do their work without enzymes. There are two different types of enzymes in our bodies, metabolic enz

Newsletter March 12th 2009

Dear Friends, We are so very happy as our community expands and the feeling of separation from "all that is," retreats. Our new sense of closeness allows us to create compassionate changes in the world. One member of our community is currently running a sale on yoga apparel! Check out Bodacious Living as all clothing is now 50% off and all gifts 30% off. Celebrate the changes by helping Bodacious Living with Spring cleaning! This weekend you are invited to join us for Yoga on the beach and Brunch! Sitara (Cindy) is teaching a donation based yoga class after which we will have a community brunch at our friend Nico's restaurant Crepes and Corks . To join us: rsvp on meetup or show up in front of Crepes and Corks 1328 Camino Del Mar. Del Mar, CA 92014 on Sunday @ 11am. Two free gatherings and opportunities to experience DoTerra essential oils next week: Free Aromatherapy meeting and business demo by Sacred Spiral (Tuesday night at 7pm, call for details and location in Del

Torrey Pines Yoga for Prana Clothing

Check out these photos of me having fun at Torrey Pines in my Prana Yoga gear.

World Travels of the Yogi Baron dear friends, hope as always that this note finds you well in body, mind and spirit! have been spending the last few days and - for that matter the final days of my trip - here in puerto morelos on the mayan riviera...and what a delight it is to be in this cute little community just south of cancun! so grateful to have come, hang out with good friends and let time run through my fingers without much of an agenda! and off time I needed after letting go of my mom who returned safely to germany. a short but very nice visit with a friend on st helena island in the low country outside savannah, ga, was quite inspiring and brought me back to my world...teaching yoga and taking class, partaking in a video about yoga and movement and having fun doing it! what a delight! back to miami for a week-end of south beach...beautiful people around me, good food, plenty of drinks and the wonderful company of a good friend...and all of this between the pool-side lounge beds at the delano and the mo

Newsletter Feb 17th 2009

Dear Friends, A lover asked his beloved, Do you love yourself more than you love me? Beloved replied, I have died to myself and I live for you. I've disappeared from myself and my attributes, I am present only for you. I've forgotten all my learnings, but from knowing you I've become a scholar. I've lost all my strength, but from your power I am able. I love myself...I love you. I love you...I love myself.--Rumi Last Saturday morning (after an evening of dancing with friends at Claire De Lune), AromaYoga went off as a celebration of love and joy! There were around 60 people in attendance at LuluLemon in La Jolla. Our most gracious praises to Cindy and Trevahr introducing AromaYoga to the community. Students at Del Mar Palm Tree Yoga are getting to know and practice Trevahr's Tai Chi Yoga every Saturday and therefore advancing their practices in a wonderful way. A special thank you to those students who have followed us from place to place and to all who practice reg

This is that Song that made me cry and gave me a vision of Egypt...

Dear Friends, It has bee more than a month but I still remember the vision and the emotion to follow with supreme clarity. I am so grateful, and I am found in this world and I know my tribe with clarity of love and heart as all of my being pours out of my chest into the arms of the beloved. It was on the Friday after New Years day (western) sometime around midnight and I was sharing the evening with my beloved Kunti and listening to Snatam Kaur at my brother Dave's house in Cardiff, CA. I had a vision of Egypt...and I started crying but not in a controlled way...just water pouring out of my eyes and energy of love pouring out of my heartspace. I saw my chest open up and send light up to God and almost instantly light returned from the heavens to snuggle and nest in my heartspace. I cried and Snatam sang... "I bow my head to God. And God took all of me. Every imperfection - God took all of me. And every day God lives And breathes Through me Oh, my Beloved! Kindness of the heart

Letters from The Yogi Baron (part 1)

A letter from Bernd Pegels, Yoga Instructor and dear friend of Waking Within Community, as he tours the world in search of new experiences: “… my dear friends, greetings from this tropical paradise in the caribbean sea that enchanted us all with its warm winds and warm waters…and so much more! and what a place it is, once we got used to the peculiarities of the place we stayed at that is! roosters and dogs and birds and people entertaining us 24/7 in this interesting neighborhood that we called home for a week! but who needs thick walls and security gates when you can dive into all the flavors and sounds of this british influenced caribbean culture…listening to cricket games all day, being greeted good morning and good afternoon when ever we meet somebody in the street or in town and having a rum shack right next door to listen to the latest news that came along in one version of english or another! what a delight to see the ladies relax and let go…all the laughter and giggles, some t

Who is this Trevahr?

Dear Readers, This is an interesting subject as many of our community members have been with us for more than two years now and have likely noticed some name changes or at least spelling changes among members. Has anyone noticed that these occurrences are rather frequent or at least fairly predictable? The latest name change (spelling) was our director for Waking Within Yoga and community member Trevahr (formerly Trevor Ryan). There are several reasons for these changes and will elaborate on a few person specific ones and then further explain astrological and numerological reasoning: Trevahr (or sometimes Trevaar) is an Egyptian name. Trevor is an angelo-saxon word or name referring to "settlement" or "large static community," just as Trevahr also refers to "settling or grounding with others." Both of these name are powerful names for business and community as you may or may not have noticed in the tendancies of the "trevors" around you in yo

Hush Now. Don't Cry! Going Out Into the World...

Dear Readers, I am so happy and I wish to break away just as I am doing into the freedom and love of the World instead of this United States/San Diego stuckness. I feel supported. I sense it so intently; this will be the year that I travel and break away from provincial to become a citizen of the Earth. I wish you were here, I wish that I was there! My goal is to create community where-ever I go. I am planning on going and being present to people, towns, and communities: up and down the coast of California and the American Pacific Ocean, Arizona, Utah, Yosemite, Los Angeles, Peru, Brazil, and Ecuador. I also purpose a journey to the orient: China, Mongolia (in search of a "woman with strong legs"), all over Japan, and perhaps India and Egypt. I crave to be reunited with my past lives and the information that I know was collected then and there in those places by those people who I suspect were also me. The other night, I had a vision of a desert and what it was like to walk w

Wish For Nothing More Than Equivalent Exchange On Earth

Dear Friends, Sometimes I am so in touch with my life path that cry out, "I wish for nothing more than balance through equivalent exchange with all of life on Earth and in this Dimension such that I may meditate until I am peace and love forward into the future, past, and present." This reality is interesting with its possessions and options and I am sooo grateful in the experience of living. For about 45 days, I have been changing through healing and yoga and many experiments with my life, breathe and mind. I think the funniest of all (of which I am most grateful) is my lack of loneliness during this time. Just like the Chinese fortune sticks said, it is time to feel supported by friends and family and projects. I have been staying with a family of friends weekly in Cardiff and the diversity of communications, activities, and support that I receive from them is immense. I am giving and experiencing openings in ways that I was not expecting. How Delightful! The kids and I tra