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Showing posts from February, 2019

The Rise of Psychedelic Shamanism

Currently, there is still a heavy, state and private organization biased push towards natural substances either becoming or remaining illegal while pharmaceutical drugs being fully accepted and legal in the USA, even as new evidence mounts to the efficacy of pure plant medicine from Nature. Much of American culture, including the medical establishment, is focused primarily on death and perhaps there many people who know more about this than I. You can see the outcome of our collective suicidal tendency everyday, in the way we work, in the way we go about life and the decisions made, with results rarely for the good of the whole in the long run, but just for a select chosen few and for a short amount of time. I might argue our society actually died some time ago and we are now just living on the fermentation before the rise of AI government, as we long for the memories of the "good old days" before “the Matrix” and geoengineering took hold. In time, the Earth will breakdow