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Showing posts from 2008

Vision Magazine Article--Never Published

In the fall of 2008, I was feeling as whipped by storms – in my case, emotional storms -- as the coastal pine trees that surrounded me on Neptune Ave near the shores of Leucadia's Stone Steps beach. Barely aware of my environment as I struggled inwardly, I brushed away the spirit tears that dropped from the pine needles above me. My business partners' voice rang clearly through my cell, "For you, Trevor, regeneration is defined as a loss of your old path, and the spontaneous fulfillment of the void created in that loss through a new inspired idea." . The pine needles were dripping with water as if the tree itself were a rogue cloud. My business partners' voice rang clearly through my cell, "For you, Trevor, regeneration is defined as a loss of your old path, and the spontaneous fulfillment of the void created in that loss through a new inspired idea." Like all new beginnings, this one started with an end. An end to former beliefs as my true path beca

Newsletter--Donation Based Retreat Tomorrow

Dear Friends, Love forever! Love is Free! I hope you are ready for the Changes that are bound and determined to be in our life over the next 3 months. We are packing up for this Weekend's retreat to Mammoth Mountain, the first of many more Donation Based spiritual retreats. If you are going with us, how exciting it must be to take this journey into ourselves and to begin the process of Alchemy and Waking Within. For everyone in our local community, I know that you will be in Good Hands with Sitara as she is teaching on Saturday at Yoga Swami and Palm Tree Yoga in Del Mar. Sitara will be present for me on Monday 9am Class at Yoga Swami so have a fun and amazing Flow! You may call us if you need directions to the Carpool for the Donation Retreat Tomorrow. We will be meeting at the Library at 1pm in Carlsbad (for the first carpool) on Dove Lane or at my Home in Vista (for the second carpool. 212 Washington Street, Vista CA. 92084) 760-713-6710 (or if you are dr

Waking Within Darkness

Dear Readers, Welcome back. As part of our business model and part of my personal agenda as a writer for these articles I would like to discuss topics that include the shadow self or side of modern media and yoga. So as forewarning this article will discuss the sides of the self that are "not so shinny with goodness." As a modern day Martial Artist, Alchemist, Yogi, and Teacher of Esoteric Philosophies, I have encountered a great many things, inside and out. As within, so without.... I this America War driven society, I find some amazing reflections of my shadow self...just the other day I was in discussion with a very aeiry fairy healer type friend. We were in a public place at a store that sells import items in Carlsbad CA and we were discussing the Practice of Kunlun Bliss (Taoist Alchemy). So without, as within... Anyways my friend whom I was talking with at the imports shop says to me that she was using the Bliss practice regularly with her meditations and wi

My Experience Healing on My Birthday

My Experience in Healing With Your Crystal Grid. On Wednesday July 30 th during the afternoon hours, I experienced and was introduced to a new form of healing work that was facilitated by Healer, business partner, and dear friend Christiaan Sun. I came to visit Christiaan at his home where the healing work took place during a sunny afternoon in Encinitas and was greeted by a most pleasant scene. Christiaan's home is a lower level apartment behind a house located in a lust ranch yard of fruit giving trees. His complex which I assume is shared with like minded individuals is encircled with trees that provide a barrier like energy for privacy and to enclose his salt water pool. I immediately felt the healing energy coming through the trees and plants and of course the location. So we talked for a couple of minutes about his background and Christiaan explained to me about the time where he was learning from a therapist who developed a form of Yoga (partner yoga or Acrobat

The Reasons For My Movements in Time and Space

Dear Friends, I am weaving a larger project together as we speech and it seems that the yoga and my teachings are simply the tip of the Iceberg. So Yoga, Shadow Teachings, Death and Dying, and Alchemy are more obviously a part of this project/life path. See if in the coming months and all of next year you can guess my next movements towards union and spirit. This invitation to research me is and open invitation to become part of my research team. I believe that if someone can obviously guess my movements they can guess the movements of the universial consciousness. If you are interested in research, please contact me at Trevahr Alchemista de Yoga

Events this Month and the MOON

Dear Friends, We have SOME aweSOME events this week! First, Oils and Healing and learning in San Diego, call for carpool on Thursday afternoon (2 Carpools leave arround 6pm-ish) We can come to you just let us know where to meet you. Then SOME fun on Friday we have the Full moon concert brought to you by Rachael Johnson at South Carlsbad Beach, Ponto on the sand. This event will unify two of my tribes and hopefully spark new interest in Astrology as we do "picnicesque" Astrology circle alongside the fire near the drum circle on Ponto. Friday Drum circle is fun and welcomes all late comers. We will be out 'til about 11pm. I recieved the gift of subbing at a new studio, Yoga Tropics of Encinitas. I hope to add them to our community in the coming months. My Native American Storytelling... Sincerely, Waking Within Company 760*7136710 Thursday July 17th 7pm-9pm Southern California Post Convention Gathering for Young Living Essential Oils. Free Event @ the West

Friday Night NeuroPhysics Discussion

Dear Friends, This evening I attended an event with a scientist lecturer and several female friends who teach me about Alchemy and Astrology. This seminar was in Carlsbad. I enjoy scientific topics and this was DEEP. The lecturer, whose name escapes me was the author of a book that cross examined the common aspects between different sciences regarding brain function and biology with mind function and activity. One interesting topic that was presented to me was the lengthy description that highlighted the differences between the brain and the mind and the processing speed that each item takes to activate. Later I was to discover that the true purpose of my attendence was: I am being challenged and fated to reeducate myself as humanity is plunged into the Shift. I found my self days later sitting on the couch at my lover's house talking to her neighbor about schizophrenia. It was brought up in the lecture while the Neurophysician related to us about humanity's previous shifts

Yoga As Preparation For Death and Dying--Chapter III

Dear Readers, ASIDE: Regarding our last adventure into the nature of the universe and "everythingness"; I will be on and off at times when talking about this subject and usually it is my intention to talk or write about the nature of the universe as a side note. The nature of "everythingness" is really something that cannot be claimed by words and especially the watered down human English language, therefore I feel that my commentary is limited to my ego. My goal as a being and steward of yoga is not to clarify subjects that defy words but to rather bring people to the space of clarity that I found many years ago that will in due time lead them to the experiential knowing of the path and nature of being, human, tao, and universe (or Christ/Buddha). Being is experiencing and talking is the symbolic hinting of which actions to take that will lead you to the experience. Keep in mind that every experience is different and every human is unique and in complete

Yoga As Preparation For Death and Dying- Chapter II

Dear Readers, This is the second entry in our discussion of Yoga as Preparation for Death and Dying. Today we will be addressing a continuation of knowledge from the last entry as well as a tie in to Quantum theory inspired by both David Bohm and Alan Watts. Be reminded that this specific type of discussion helps yoga practicitioners to identify their life as a playing field littered with conversational landmines of the taboo. A yogi has discriminative logic and wisdom enough to sidestep these landmines when necessary. This is a quoted landmine but still a truth coming from the website (see link above on Alan Watts): "the whole universe consists of God playing hide-and-seek (Maya or illusion) hiding from himself by becoming all the living and non-living things in the universe, forgetting who he really is; the upshot being that we are all God in disguise." Yoga and death are systems

Western Yoga Is "All The Flowery Stuff"

Dear Readers, I write today with the intention to educate rather than offend, in regard to "all the flowery stuff." All the flowery stuff is the practices that we as Westerners understand to be yoga. The Flowery stuff is impartial truth and can be regarded as watered down. I earlier said the word "offend" because there are some people who hold asana, stretching, breathing, and meditation to be sacred and would have the Western yoga practicitioner believe that these are the end-all, when in actuality those things are merely skills and means that are gifted to the yogi as a way of finding truth enough to cut through the illusion of life/reality on Earth. What you may hold to be truth or self-evident is simply a mask above another mask. Asana is untruth and truth because of its mis-association with the physical or maya (the best way describe Maya is in the modern film entitled "The Matrix". Maya is the world that has been put infront of your eyes t

Softening The Mind

Dear Readers, In another entry I made a reference to "softening the mind" and in this entry we are going to explore the ways that this yogi knows are practices of softening the mind and thoughts. So sit back, relax, and soften your mind. Also let go of your thoughts, you don't need those and most of the time they aren't yours anyways. Besides your mind and your thoughts are usually just borrowed anyways. Amanaska (Suspended operation of the mind) As far as I understand it is vital for yogis to practice softening of the the mind or Amanaska through a process of gradual progress. At first a student must choose a path or method of mediation and learn (logically) its techniques for concentration. Meditation is vast in its methods of concentratory techniques. Once having learned a style of meditation a student will then begin a practice of concentration. This regular if not daily practice of concentration is to be done with a focus or object of concentration

Death from the Eyes of Yogi Trevor

Readers, Last week marked a major turning point in my life as Spring and rebirth or at least rebirth perspective came into full view for me. I recently became strong and supported by a much larger community and many more abundant events as Waking Within Company grounded and rooted itself in Carlsbad CA. Feeling very supported by this and a recent awaking to love and nature as a product of the spring vernal equinox, I was altered by one of my Native North American Totem animals that change was imminent. Rattlesnakes have been a totem animal for many years for me. It was two weeks ago/three saturdays ago when I was at a snake breeder's home in Escondido when I was introduced to about 8 rattlesnakes on display in terrariums in his house. This would have been a normal occurence except for the fact that one of the larger rattlesnakes decided to communicate with me. I walked into the room (a larger room with the snakes in cages up against the walls) and this Diamond Back Rattlesnake

Learning New Stuff For Spring

Readers, Spring is here and I hope your spending time in Nature. My friends at Waking Within have been attending events and organizing hikes and drum circles and potlucks. Since last week marked the full moon, the first day of the Mayan new year, and the vernal equinox, (and Easter/Good Friday) the energy of community was super strong and still is. With a powerful new community based intention, I set out to help people know themselves in new ways and more importantly to know themselves in relationship with others. What path is better than this to establish world peace? So I am a Life Path 6 in numberology and I recognize that my compassion and ability to seek out balance in every situation will lead me to vast success and hopefully be a shinning example for others as the planet heals. Another item that I am researching and helping market is our ability to map your energy system and chart your personality through Human Design. The charts themselves are free...please go to http://w

Side Notes to "Yoga As Preparation for Death and Dying"

Dear Readers, I am thrilled to have watched an inspiring documentary about Ram Dass yesterday, "Fierce Grace." In this documentary many references were made to psychedelics and how they opened the doors for people like Doctors Richard Alpert (aka Ram Dass) and Timothy Leary to experience a spiritual oneness or personal god. Let go into greater detail in this blog as I wish to present an important point with regard to meditation. Dr. Alpert was born to a Jewish family and grew up to become a Professor at Harvard University. At Harvard University, Alpert would come to befriend and work with Dr. Timothy Leary. The two of them worked together on a project at the University that administered psychodelics to volunteers as part of a research study to find helpful medicinal uses for psychodelics. Soon after the project began to stir up contronversy, Harvard shut it down and fired both Dr. Alpert and Dr. Leary. The pair stayed together a while longer and commented that in th

This is your brain on juice!

Written on March 6th 2008 by my Friend who underwent the juice fast with me. -Trevahr "Living off juice for a week has been an interesting experience. Today is day 5 and I’ve noticed a radical change in my body. I wake up early in the morning feeling perfectly balanced in that I could either decide to stay in bed and take a nap or go hit the cardio equipment. When I walk through my house I feel weightless and I experience a gliding sensation. My skin feels firm and healthy, my attitude is always positive or optimistic and it has not been difficult for me to resist food. Resisting food is something worth talking about when it comes to a juice cleanse or fast. I had the preconceived notion that I would get very hungry by day 2 and seeing food would be a torture. As it turns out, I have no real need to eat food and seeing others enjoying their meals is a different experience for me now. I’ve realized the difference between wanting to eat, needing to eat, and how superficial cra

Day Five Juice Fast--Hugh's Experience

Readers, For the last few days (since Sunday) I have been involving my normal working life with a Juice Fast in order the detoxify and cleanse my body's systems. I am happy to undergo this journey on the premise of helping others go through this activity. Since I am a yoga teacher, I believe in making life and living a flexible experience. Juice fasting is new for me. In fact, at the maximum weight of 140 lbs, I have never wanted to fast because I was afraid of losing too much weight. I have to say it's day five and I am perfectly fine (and carrot juice has become my best friend)! So, I am absolutely recommending this sort of thing. Some of my other friends and associates from Waking Within are fasting with me and it feels great to have support. Most of the dreams and daily activites are shared experience and my friends and I talk everyday. So, before getting into the sales pitch stuff about how great this is, let me tell you more about days one through four. Day One: E

Controversial Yoga---Yoga as Preparation For Death

Readers, Yoga can also be a controversial subject and practice. With a larger rate of yogic mutations in style and beliefs, my field is one littered with landmines of the taboo. I have been practicing and studying with in the field intensely for four years now and I am happy to report that the times for narrow minded nonpracticitioners are changing. Yoga practitioners are coming in many more varieties these days: Psychonauts, Christians, Hindu, Buddhists, Tattoo Sporting Practitioners, Professionals in the working and athletic fields, Tantra (John Friend), Native American belief systems (Ana Forrest), Smokers, and just about every other kind of person or ideal you can think of. One thing that I came across in my readings and research is a something called Shadow Yoga. Oh, doesn't that sound mysterious. As far as my research tells me, Shadow Yoga is simply a practice of obscure yoga teachings (breathing, aka pranayama, body positions aka asana, and philosophy). This le

Yoga Swami and Encinitas History

Readers and Yoga Adventurers, Just recently called the Yoga Mecca of the USA, Encinitas CA and Yoga Swami (where I teach two days a week) are special and are a must visit for any yoga adventurers. See the article in the winter 2008 copy of the Encinitas magazine. Encinitas, Swami's Surf Spot, Cardiff-by-the-Sea, and Leucadia...can be consider spiritual vortex hotspots. This evident in the number of places to worship just on the coast (west of hwy 101) near the cliffside beachs or Swami's and Moonlight. So my mother's family (mexican americans) lived in Encinitas during the period of time when Paramahansa Yogananda (the Swami that Swami's is named after). This time period was about the 1930's- 1940's. At this time Encinitas, was well liked by Swami Yogananda and he settled there for sometime. Swami Yogananda was a capricorn and he was a very involved meditator and yoga practicioner. His foundation still exists in E

Yoga In Your Chair

Chair Yoga which is an infusion of exercises which translate from any yoga style to a seated version with from a chair, usually performed and taught amongst groups of people who are recovering or elderly. Chair yoga is usually gentle but can be vigorous and can make a practitioner sweat. This style of yoga is currently alive and kicking. I would know because Waking Within company is associated with teaching and dispatching teachers to over 6 retirement or assisted living communities in North San Diego county. Postures for chair yoga classes include: Eagle Arms and Legs, Back bends, Prayer Mudra variations, Arm Raises, Half Moon (the version that allows one to reach up and lean to the side--stretchs the side body, torso and hips), Toe and Finger Stretchs, Alternate Nostril Breathing, Breath of Fire/Shinning Skull, Belly Breathing, Hip Openers, Shoulder Openers, Chair Holding Cobra Pose, Ragdoll, and coutless others. I encourage all yoga instructors to teach elderly st

Pictures from Sunset cliffs

All Photography By Benjamin Thewlis

The Purpose of Yoga is to Realize Complete Inner Freedom

Readers and Future Students, 8pm Monday 11 February 2008 Let's go over some yoga history basics. Yoga or "Union" comes from the Indus Valley Civilization 2500 BC and it is a process of method of instilling or realizing complete inner freedom. Yoga is associated orginally with Indo-European peoples who settled in the Indian Valley. In the West, it seems we have become obsessed with the physical and mental exercises that we often associate with body perfectionism. (Let us know if you practice yoga for spiritual reasons or others) Yoga spans every conceivable subject. Swami is a word that entitles an individual practicing a tradition or lineage of Yoga that was handed down from Master to student very selectively. The Swami order is considered to be an ascetic order (monks). "Do you want to be master of your destiny? Do not be discouraged in sorrows, difficulties, and tribulations that manifest in