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Showing posts from April, 2010

Snake DANCE with Rattles and BLOOD

Dear Great Spirit, I am reaching out to you with my thoughts and prayers because lately and several times this year (and last night) I dream of Snakes...venomous snakes with rattles at the end of their tails...many times they don't pose a threat to me...but rather they are stretched out in passage of the landscape on the dreamworld. I feel asleep last night reading about divination and praying as usual (everynight that I sleep in my bedroom) with my emeralds and my stibnite to the coyote spirit of the Money of this Nation of the people of the Corn, and to the wolf spirit of Abundance and Collaboration....I remind myself that the YOU are coming, Great Spirit, to play the game of giving and receiving and prosperity with my person and my passion... tiny twin bed near my bearded dragons terrarium, in my humble room in Cardiff California, blinks in an' out of existence as my eyes draw heavy and my muscles give a last ditch effort (effort! so not taoist of me!) to reac

Answering the Shaman's Questions

Question #1: What is Shamanism? How does this dance with Ethnobotany, the plants of the earth, and the fungi? Trevahr: As a modern alchemist, teacher, yogi, and metaphysician, I am forced to answer this from a perspective of faith and one who believes in Great Spirit. I am fully aware that there are many no so blessed as to have contact with the holy spirit/soul/source/miracle consciousness/samadhi and each of those...skeptics/scientific method oriented peoples will have a different opinion...and let me say that their opinion fact many of them are in face my teachers when it comes to plants, fungi, technology, and the sciences. So what is shamanism? It is something that faithful people experience from the inside out and others simply observe as a tradition. I fully awaken to the differences of opinion and observation people share their definitions of this practice... Practice. Shamanism is a practice (which involve "all that is" and therefore involves bel