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Showing posts from October, 2009

Tarot Cards at Radiance Festival

Dear Friends, As you may know, I sometimes fill the shoes of an Oracle and have been seen at special occasions doing readings (usually with Cards) for people. Just over the weekend past, I did a few readings at Radiance Festival for friends and others who were intrigued with this intuitive form of information. I read with the Animals Divine Tarot by Lisa Hunt primarily and I wanted to share with my friends the meaning of a card that continuously came up on Saturday night (Oct. 10th, 2009): The World (Gaia, a Greek Goddess, Major Arcana Card #21) Symbols: Recognizing and embracing all living things as an important part of universal balance is a reflection of truly becoming in tune with one's being. The snake represents rebirth, renewal, and intuition. The spirals are symbolic of the creative life force. Its eternal rotation echoes the eternal cycle of the seasons, life, death, and rebirth. Leaves are indicative of the universal life pattern: rejoice in their budding and mourn their

Light up! LIGHT UP! - "In the Garden of Shadow Masks...(part 2)"

Dear Friends, I awoke today after the full moon, the weekend having just passed. I was lit up with a burning pain in my hip and inwardly, as I rolled awake, to scream "let go....let GOOOOO!". In bed I shouted at my Mom, Maternal Grandfather, Grandfather's Father, and all of our shared Ancestors....for release of my pain and of my dysfunctional muscles. My beloved had left the bedroom already and she was fully dressed when she greeted me as I lay there in bed, pain, and with an Ipod Touch in my hand furiously researching Ayahausca plant medicine in hopes of answers. I learned what herbs the magical formula needed in a matter of minutes through various sites listed on Google. I was ravenous for answers and solutions. It was suggested to me about three weeks ago to do this sort of Shamanic Medicine Work, as a way of purging my Ancestors' diseases from my body by a dear friend and Hawaii medicine woman. After my lover stared at me for several minutes, and I slowly sickene

The Masks Can Go But The Hats Remain!

Dear Friends, I have noticed lately the difference between my masks and my hats as a human and a person on the path to healing. First of all, I know that my Masks and Hats are simply archetypes and divine movements of the collective unconscious. It has been an epic journey this 2009, as I have taken on some new hats, put on old masks to see if they still fit (and most of them did), and set aside or packed away hats that were just getting worn out and over-used. For example, my hat as a yoga instructor has worn out its welcome. I have discovered that yoga is a path that I will definitely support and heal through but is a field of interest that here in America comes with many many many politics and boundary discovering events. Plus there is certainly something to be said about the income of yoga instructors being lame or maybe it's society's relationship to Yoga teachers as under-privileged fitness trainers. I really have learned about my relationship to the title of yoga instruc