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Showing posts from October, 2010

EntheoRadio With Thaddeus Sunday 10/24/10 @930am Pacific

Hi Sacred Spiral Friends, I am doing ONE FINAL SHAMANIC DRUM JOURNEY with the methods that I learned from Thaddeus Wilson (guest on tomorrow at 930am). So tomorrow is your last chance to experience my teachings before i continue to UPGRADE my education and training by visiting Dr. Michael Harner in San Francisco next weekend. Thank you so much for helping me to learn and teach about shamanism. Next weekend marks my ascendance on this path as I will be INITIATED by my Teacher's Teacher's MASTER TEACHER. Some my recent ideas and life long philosophies are expressed in my recent blog entry entitled "If you can read this, YOUR LANGUAGE KILLED SHAMANISM" ( I encourage everyone reply, tag, comment and share more of your opinions with the Sacred Spiral and on my FB profile. So a reminder: Thaddeus Wilson (Shaman, teacher, healer) live on the Radio tomorrow ( 930am Sunday/tomorrow ...and Shamanic Drum Journey at t


Shamanism is Dead! Just like punk rock! And the next questions are natural: How/Why is it dead? And Who or What killed it? First let me explain the title of this essay: "if you can read this, your language killed shamanism." This concept has arisen in my life in two incidents. First, let it be known that I am a shamanic practitioner, neo shamanic priest, alchemist, and fluent English speaker(reader and writer). I also studied science, math, linguistics, and Asian philosophy in college. I became a yoga teacher before I was an ordained Shamanic Minister. The reason that I am so excited about Yoga as a path to free was that I experienced (in college for the first time), a concept of existence without words and thought outside of the languages i knew. This concept of thought outside of the language i knew, wasn't due to a lack awareness of language (remember I studies languages as my major) rather it was an awareness of something i didn't have words for. Meaning that word