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Showing posts from May, 2016

Death and the Dreaming State - Personal Analysis and Intuitive Theory

S ince I was a very young boy, I've been dreaming and astral projecting at night. It wasn't scary (most of the time) but a quality that I realized from a young age that only a few people understood and even fewer people had access to performing. Therefore, I shared about it little.  Last night was another astral projection experience, mixed with dreams that touch philosophic concepts, rushed me with symbolism and sometimes woke me up to confusedly look around my room and out my dawntime window. Normally I would just wake up and stay up if I had intensely core shaking dreams (symbolism that strikes at my humanity or emotions) but today at dawn, even though I felt rested, I went back into the dream world for another look. I closed my curtains and laid down again. I believe (for me and some people born at night) that dreaming occurs more actively (or at least more memorably) between dawn and 12pm. This is probably because there are many more humans awake while a person is dreami