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Showing posts from May, 2019

Shamanic Journey to Power and Power Animals

Power Animal journeying is a practice that I learned to teach both directly from the founder, Michael Harner and several of his students. Its a practice that seems to be associated with sober journeying and music. Most shamanism is about altered states and consciousness changes, so don't think that because no drugs are generally used in this practice that you will not experience visions or a feeling of connectedness with the universe, nature and telepathy with animals and spirits. All things are connected and all things have vibration. Power, personal and shared, as well as healing One friend put it like this: Just like everything else in physics, energy resonates at a natural frequency. Animals can mirror those frequencies and since they are more simple creatures, we can use them for guidance if we become off in our frequency. There are several basic journeys to begin a shamanism interested person on their path. One of the best is the journey to the shamanic underworld t