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Showing posts from April, 2008

Yoga As Preparation For Death and Dying- Chapter II

Dear Readers, This is the second entry in our discussion of Yoga as Preparation for Death and Dying. Today we will be addressing a continuation of knowledge from the last entry as well as a tie in to Quantum theory inspired by both David Bohm and Alan Watts. Be reminded that this specific type of discussion helps yoga practicitioners to identify their life as a playing field littered with conversational landmines of the taboo. A yogi has discriminative logic and wisdom enough to sidestep these landmines when necessary. This is a quoted landmine but still a truth coming from the website (see link above on Alan Watts): "the whole universe consists of God playing hide-and-seek (Maya or illusion) hiding from himself by becoming all the living and non-living things in the universe, forgetting who he really is; the upshot being that we are all God in disguise." Yoga and death are systems

Western Yoga Is "All The Flowery Stuff"

Dear Readers, I write today with the intention to educate rather than offend, in regard to "all the flowery stuff." All the flowery stuff is the practices that we as Westerners understand to be yoga. The Flowery stuff is impartial truth and can be regarded as watered down. I earlier said the word "offend" because there are some people who hold asana, stretching, breathing, and meditation to be sacred and would have the Western yoga practicitioner believe that these are the end-all, when in actuality those things are merely skills and means that are gifted to the yogi as a way of finding truth enough to cut through the illusion of life/reality on Earth. What you may hold to be truth or self-evident is simply a mask above another mask. Asana is untruth and truth because of its mis-association with the physical or maya (the best way describe Maya is in the modern film entitled "The Matrix". Maya is the world that has been put infront of your eyes t

Softening The Mind

Dear Readers, In another entry I made a reference to "softening the mind" and in this entry we are going to explore the ways that this yogi knows are practices of softening the mind and thoughts. So sit back, relax, and soften your mind. Also let go of your thoughts, you don't need those and most of the time they aren't yours anyways. Besides your mind and your thoughts are usually just borrowed anyways. Amanaska (Suspended operation of the mind) As far as I understand it is vital for yogis to practice softening of the the mind or Amanaska through a process of gradual progress. At first a student must choose a path or method of mediation and learn (logically) its techniques for concentration. Meditation is vast in its methods of concentratory techniques. Once having learned a style of meditation a student will then begin a practice of concentration. This regular if not daily practice of concentration is to be done with a focus or object of concentration

Death from the Eyes of Yogi Trevor

Readers, Last week marked a major turning point in my life as Spring and rebirth or at least rebirth perspective came into full view for me. I recently became strong and supported by a much larger community and many more abundant events as Waking Within Company grounded and rooted itself in Carlsbad CA. Feeling very supported by this and a recent awaking to love and nature as a product of the spring vernal equinox, I was altered by one of my Native North American Totem animals that change was imminent. Rattlesnakes have been a totem animal for many years for me. It was two weeks ago/three saturdays ago when I was at a snake breeder's home in Escondido when I was introduced to about 8 rattlesnakes on display in terrariums in his house. This would have been a normal occurence except for the fact that one of the larger rattlesnakes decided to communicate with me. I walked into the room (a larger room with the snakes in cages up against the walls) and this Diamond Back Rattlesnake