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Showing posts from June, 2009

My Magnum Opus

Dear Friends and Students, It has been my life's work since my becoming a man and learning about my path through Shamanic Initiation and rite of passage, to seek the truth and the origins of man and the spiritual experience such that others (of similar intention and commitment to truth) will learn about who they are and where they come from. Hence, as many have before me, I seek the Tree of Life in Shamanism and the Philosopher's Stone in Alchemy. If you are on this path of seeking with me, I welcome you to share as I am an open source for the information and truth and faith I have experienced. Thank you for your interest in our community and our growing Order of Sacred Spiral members. Here is some good information about the Tree of Life and other relevant items: Wiki Tree of Life: "As buds give rise by growth to fresh buds, and these, if vigorous, branch out and overtop on all sides many a feebler branch, so by generation I believe it has been with the great Tree of Lif

May Angels lead you the sleepless space between

Dear Friends, It has been about 36 hours since I have had a normal sleep cycle. Some of my community members and I went to see the Hugging Saint in LA on Friday night (june 19th). We were up all night while Amma hugged person after person, body after body. Our hugs were given and received at about 5am and we arrived early (like 5pm and the event opens officially at 7pm). The energy: In that room,in that place, in the company of all those people with the same intention for progress and peace there was no sleep or being tired. I had no trouble meditating and experienced (through my usual body pain and tension) a withdrawal from senses and the usual distractions. The room was loud and the was constant movement, and still I was alite with divine fire and experienced peace and purification. I am certain of my path and joyful in the answers (or rather confirmation of the inner wisdom) that I received on that night. I recall sitting where I was in the audience meditating and experiencing a gl

Let Me Talk To Lisa

"Let me talk to Lisa...No, not Lisa Simpson--Lisa Starr" As in the Starr of my Life, at the centre of my Heart & Soul. Existence...-*** Or be it the Starr (in an early deck of mine) as a woman washing her hair- STARK- in the Nude-Underneath the Starrs and the night sky And of course, Lisa has two daughters with/living/running Flowing down by the stream-creek-stream by their home... Going home... home to sisters and women and cooking and eating and feeling same/safe in the Kitchen In the Winter and warm always warm. Thank You. (reader takes a long deep Breath) So Lisa, you you are YOU ARE the one that started this That staRRted (with two r's) this. Your kitchen, your womb, your invitation= Shaman on Facebook, Neo-Shaman whose feminine force (especially at home) makes me put my long black hair down To hang freely in your presence Like the presence of God as a Lion+Leo= C.S. Lewis _________________________ Starred Started me with the Dreaming Starred Started me with the