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Showing posts from 2013

Making Love to Ska Maria Pastora

Continued from "When Salvia Speaks, I Listen." In the next recipe attempt, I started to use inner guidance and personal shamanistic herbal teachings on the next recipe. Turns out that my lessons as a Mushroom Shaman, taught me how to move next. The Mazatec people of Mexico commonly use Salvia Divinorum but mainly when the Psychoactive (Psilocybin) Mushrooms aren't available. An elder brother on the shamanic path once asked me if I used copal or another resin (like frankincense and myrrh) to incense my mushrooms before ceremonial consumption, and explained to me how it was traditional and made their medicine stronger. Bingo! That was what Ska Maria Pastora wanted, she needed more than just chewing gum mix, she needed a mate, a partner to synergize with and relate to while being trapped in this gum form. Some Indians/Native Americans use or proclaim that it's important to use a masculine or mate plant in a shamanic recipe or combination for various plants and fung

When The Salvia Spirit Speaks, I Listen.

For a brief moment last spring and winter, I was working for an excellent intention-ed start-up company called Takedo Panacea LLC as the prime formulator of a patented salvia chewing gum product. For several weeks in May 2013, I was surrounded by the various implements to generate a new recipe for the world in the realm of psycho-spiritual development. As a chemist and a magician in my personal life and a walker of shamanic paths and priesthood, I felt very empowered and very much in struggle with my employment. I may have been hired because of my organizational skills and my dedication to EntheoRadio as an education tool but the work of creating a suitable capsule for the spirit of the Shepherdess was a truly shamanic challenge and vision quest all on its own. The first lesson was that she (Salvia Divinorum, Ska Maria, La Pastora, The Shepherdess) was really real and very much alive in every form of salvia from the chemical extracts to the leaves and the living plants. In the pas

What is Human Design Astrology

Have you ever talking with someone who understood the concept that we are all Star Dusk? I mean from a physics perspective! We are neutrinos. This system which is like astrology, maps just that in something called a Rave Chart. Of everything that I have studied, Human Design is the MOST helpful when it comes to human interaction and fate vs choice. My classes and for our next discussion we will approach the universe as mechanistic archetypes and illusory energy fields that we think of as solid "real" stuff. We will have the opportunity to discuss how energy plays a major role in our hidden talents, unconscious decisions, and the volatile situations occurring with other humans. As a Human Design Analyst, it is my approach to see the body as a vehical for the soul. Additionally, just like every car off of the assembly line at Ford's factory, our bodies too are imprinted with a number, our birthdays. This number along with the time and place of the occurance of birth

Power and Shamanic Journeying

Shamanic Journey and Healthy Potluck Come experience a shamanic drum journey into the lower world and non-ordinary reality states! November 5th, 2011 at 530PM-8pm $20/person & $30/couple To RSVP Pay Online 4805 Mercury Street suite B , San Diego CA 92111 _________________________ This Experience includes: Ø Drumming, visual imagery and guided meditation Ø Lower World Journeys and Non-Ordinary reality healing and symbolic messages Ø Journey will include a visit to the fabled Well of Remembrance to reclaim lost power. NOTE: Eat only lightly before class and bring a yoga mat or something else to recline on. After we’ll have a potluck dinner. Two-hour event will include: Lower World Journeys and Non-Ordinary reality healing and symbolic messages. Material for this class is all-levels and based directly from the book by Michael Harner entitled "The Way of the Shaman." Journey will include a visit to the fabled Well of Re

The Three Levels of Astrological Learning

I was first introduce to astrology when I was a teen. It seems both intriguing to me and simplistically mathematical. At the time, I was in every honors math class that my high school could offer. Eventually, in later years I realized that different systems of astrology made differences in prediction and personality, and some could be considered less accurate while others more. In my early 20's, I was introduced to both the Cards of Destiny system of midpoint astrology, Vedic Astrology (Jyotish), and Human Design. My yoga instructor training which took place in Encinitas CA near the famous site of Paramahansa Yogananda's Temple and Gardens was located (and area locally called "Swami's") introduced me to Vedic Astrology. Due to the intensity of my classes, I learned about Jyotish for the first time from Ernst Willholm who would later prove to be influential as a teacher and truthsayer. In fact around age 25, I was again exposed to one of Ernst's students by

Alchemy in Sin City (Las Vegas, Baby)

Friends, As an adult, I had never been to Las Vegas, Nevada before (commonly referred to as Sin City). Wow! Wah! What a city and what an experience! I've learned more about life, people and this City (perhaps even the nature of city dwellers), in this week in Las Vegas than I've learned over the course of 7 years. I'm actually still here. Any I've still got about the same money I started with, this means that I've won enough to eat and drink and be merry (because that costs a pretty penny here).  So, I first brought up the idea of Lucky Astrology for Gambling about a year ago and this summer 2012, I actually started implementing it. In Phoenix AZ, and expanding out globally from there, I started training friends to use Lucky and Fortunate planets for winning speculative things like betting. Considering that there has been the most success in short periods of time thus far [under precise conditions and specific days] I see progress. We've started simply wit