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Showing posts from March, 2012

Tea Plantation in the Mayan Homeland 2012

I am going now, without plans to return. I will pass through the lands of my heritage and great many of the spirits of the Maya. This is the year of the quickening, the curtain fall and the great awakening. I won't be unreachable or unattainable, I'll just be on a voyage. When I arrive O how I intend to build and create: For my family and future generations I will plant and gather resources of natural things and good and growing things. We will create and Olive tree grove, a cacao tree plantation, myco-scapes and mushroom bio remediation, and several tea plant gardens with various aged trees/shrubs of the camillia sinensis species. I feel the future is seeking deliberate actions that orient humans and nature on this planet as strong allies or else co-existence will cease. Thus considered, we are conceiving to create at complete seed and spore bank with totally sustainable structures powered completely through environmental systems (solar, wind, water...). I've sou