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Showing posts from May, 2010

Walk Such a Path that You'll Never Have to Wonder Again.

Tonight while out on the town for Cinco de Mayo, myself and my friend (switchboard operator Lori) interviewed Sara Huntley on EntheoRadio. ( Sara is a visual artist, art teacher, makeup artist, dance teacher, fire spinner, and contributing author to the MAPS ( bulletin. I included some the art that she contributed by being true to her passion and inspired by psychedelic and entheogenic culture. Sara's art can be found at The interview went great and Sara is a peach! Sara even knew about Frank Herbert and the Dune series which really excited and tickled me. I nearly started dropping phrases that only Dune nerds would know (like the spice must flow and kwizat-hateract). I encourage you to listen the the interview and I assure you that it gets better as we go on late into the show...especially after having such incredible difficulty with getting Sara on the line. That interview was very in line with