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Showing posts from 2019

Microdosing Psilocybin and Mescaline: Beyond Stamets' Magic Stack

In this series of articles, I will follow up about what a microdose is and how to dose with magic cactus or mescaline and conclude with a discussion of Paul Stamets and his recommendations for microdosing that seem to be a little popular and very experimental this year 2019 in the US. What is a Microdose - two definitions (theirs and mine): Microdose: A very low dose of something.  (In psychedelics this might be grams or micrograms) Microdosing , or micro-dosing , is a technique for studying the behaviour of drugs in humans through the administration of doses so low they are unlikely to produce whole-body effects, but high enough to allow the cellular response to be studied. In my experience with these two (Shrooms and San Pedro Cactus) and a secret third medicine (Salvia Divinorum and Microdosing) that I have acted as a guardian for the micro-dose is generally less than a gram for dried mushrooms and probably a fresh 8-ounce cup of juiced San Pedro (not cooked down for cerem

Update to the Microdosing 2016 Article for

Microdosing is an interesting shamanic art and alchemical practice. I personally practiced this several years ago with Psilocybe Cubensis, Magic Mushrooms and Magic Cactus (containing mescaline). I rather enjoyed the everyday experience and the substances did provide better days, uplifted mood, and courage in relationships and communication. I am unaware of a drug test that can detect Magic Mushrooms after 24 hours of being in your system and this may also be true with mescaline (but that depends on the test, although most employee drug tests won’t detect it). I have taken psilocybin mushrooms in qualities as small as .1 of a gram to ease physical and nervous pain (and headaches). I have found that once an individual becomes adjusted or comfortable with the microdose, it is incredibly easy to sleep on/through and helps with the visionary state between sleeping and waking (hypnagogia). Last year, I introduced a method of microdosing to my friends in the Phoenix, AZ area so that the

Shamanic Journey to Power and Power Animals

Power Animal journeying is a practice that I learned to teach both directly from the founder, Michael Harner and several of his students. Its a practice that seems to be associated with sober journeying and music. Most shamanism is about altered states and consciousness changes, so don't think that because no drugs are generally used in this practice that you will not experience visions or a feeling of connectedness with the universe, nature and telepathy with animals and spirits. All things are connected and all things have vibration. Power, personal and shared, as well as healing One friend put it like this: Just like everything else in physics, energy resonates at a natural frequency. Animals can mirror those frequencies and since they are more simple creatures, we can use them for guidance if we become off in our frequency. There are several basic journeys to begin a shamanism interested person on their path. One of the best is the journey to the shamanic underworld t

The Rise of Psychedelic Shamanism

Currently, there is still a heavy, state and private organization biased push towards natural substances either becoming or remaining illegal while pharmaceutical drugs being fully accepted and legal in the USA, even as new evidence mounts to the efficacy of pure plant medicine from Nature. Much of American culture, including the medical establishment, is focused primarily on death and perhaps there many people who know more about this than I. You can see the outcome of our collective suicidal tendency everyday, in the way we work, in the way we go about life and the decisions made, with results rarely for the good of the whole in the long run, but just for a select chosen few and for a short amount of time. I might argue our society actually died some time ago and we are now just living on the fermentation before the rise of AI government, as we long for the memories of the "good old days" before “the Matrix” and geoengineering took hold. In time, the Earth will breakdow