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Showing posts from August, 2009

Our Magickal School: Potions 101, Shamanic Herbs, and Yoga Hikes

Dear Friends, It have been a fun and abundant summer. You may have noticed that our group schedule has grown full and furthermore my own schedule is left with sparse sections of time for myself. Although, I am fully present everyday, creating something new and revealing something old and alchemical to my friends or students. I have being reading novels, learning languages, and studying reference manuals vigorously everyday...except for that delicate time of balance and discovery when I am on the road traveling the coast of California or the Spiritual South-west (without A/C in my car mind you!). I hope to release more tales of my understanding, awareness, and travels this summer and very soon. Know that I am working intensely on an awareness I have never had before, maybe something that only a few have ever had. I don't remember my childhood (it's a haze between doses of ADD medicine) but every time I set out on the road, I fun myself reaching into the dark v