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Our Magickal School: Potions 101, Shamanic Herbs, and Yoga Hikes

Dear Friends,

It have been a fun and abundant summer. You may have noticed that our group schedule has grown full and furthermore my own schedule is left with sparse sections of time for myself. Although, I am fully present everyday, creating something new and revealing something old and alchemical to my friends or students. I have being reading novels, learning languages, and studying reference manuals vigorously everyday...except for that delicate time of balance and discovery when I am on the road traveling the coast of California or the Spiritual South-west (without A/C in my car mind you!).

I hope to release more tales of my understanding, awareness, and travels this summer and very soon. Know that I am working intensely on an awareness I have never had before, maybe something that only a few have ever had. I don't remember my childhood (it's a haze between doses of ADD medicine) but every time I set out on the road, I fun myself reaching into the dark void of memory to pull out a new fist of information about self and healing. Sometimes I pull something from the lives before mine.

I am here offering an explanation of our teachings. Our community organization is dedicated to presenting you with wonderful teachings and holistic learnings from teachers who are fair and ethical. Notice that our classes and the teachers offering them have expanded into Yoga, Shamanism, Herbalism, Aromatherapy, Outdoor Activities, Social Gatherings, Tantra Events, Music, Breathwork, Retreats, Divination, and Holistic Marketing.

Our shamanic herbs class has been going strong and doesn't show signs of slowing, rather expect to see this class expand into Mushroom Mythos classes, American Cacti Creative Learning Classes, and then Rare Ethnobotanicals or "Stuff You Just Weren't Expecting to Trip You Out" lectures! We love presenting at the library, all of these classes and we'll continue to do so in order to make this subject public and safe for discussion. If you have a chance, I highly recommend that you make it to a Shamanism class after hours at one of our members it is a super fun time!

Aromatherapy blending and Potions 101 classes have begun and are strong methods of learning about home medicine and remedies. The classes are unique to subject matter but the intention remains the same: each class is both lecture and Lab, that allows students to listen for learning, ask questions of the teacher and their peers, and continue to explore by getting a hands on experience. For the potions class 101 (our first class) we will discuss combinations of medicine and magick (intention setting) that will transform or transmute our reality into new dimensions or pathways for healing. In our last Frankincense class we mix oils and made blended experiences on the spot! Formulas were given out, and samples were shared amongst the community members in attendance.

Our yoga and outdoor hiking events are there for you to expand your awareness through movement and feeling body. It is the intention that the more that individuals benefit sustainably from the Earth, thus the less they mistreat our planet. Hence feel good in your body and supported by the Earth mother...and get out! Do yoga under a tree or looking at the Horizon. Take a hike friends and we guarantee goodies will follow.

My hope and commitment is that one day everyone will teach teachers/healers and you (my friendly alchemists) will walk this Golden Path with me, in freedom of health, wealth, happiness.


Trevahr Hughes
Yogi, Alchemist, Shaman


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