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Showing posts from July, 2009

Initiation, Ancestors, and my Grandma

My Dear Friends, Thank you for being patient with me as I move through the different levels of my process (all of which have been "out of my comfort zone" as you may be aware from status updates). The truth of the matter was that I planned to journey to Peru between June and July and instead ended up in Sante Fe with wonderful community and a very supportive teacher. Shamanism and shamanic ideas are ripe and alive here. I have really enjoyed my experience here, usually in retrospect because of all the discomfort. I sense that I am learning exactly what I am ready for. I have processing so much. More than I could have ever imagined here. To my amazement, learning divination (which was what I planned on doing) has become this very HUMAN process of finding clarity and feeling into my past, my family, my future intentions with Business and Community, my ancestors, my daily body pain, and the healing of my ancestors. I have chosen to look at the Teachings I embrace and embody and