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Showing posts from January, 2013

The Three Levels of Astrological Learning

I was first introduce to astrology when I was a teen. It seems both intriguing to me and simplistically mathematical. At the time, I was in every honors math class that my high school could offer. Eventually, in later years I realized that different systems of astrology made differences in prediction and personality, and some could be considered less accurate while others more. In my early 20's, I was introduced to both the Cards of Destiny system of midpoint astrology, Vedic Astrology (Jyotish), and Human Design. My yoga instructor training which took place in Encinitas CA near the famous site of Paramahansa Yogananda's Temple and Gardens was located (and area locally called "Swami's") introduced me to Vedic Astrology. Due to the intensity of my classes, I learned about Jyotish for the first time from Ernst Willholm who would later prove to be influential as a teacher and truthsayer. In fact around age 25, I was again exposed to one of Ernst's students by

Alchemy in Sin City (Las Vegas, Baby)

Friends, As an adult, I had never been to Las Vegas, Nevada before (commonly referred to as Sin City). Wow! Wah! What a city and what an experience! I've learned more about life, people and this City (perhaps even the nature of city dwellers), in this week in Las Vegas than I've learned over the course of 7 years. I'm actually still here. Any I've still got about the same money I started with, this means that I've won enough to eat and drink and be merry (because that costs a pretty penny here).  So, I first brought up the idea of Lucky Astrology for Gambling about a year ago and this summer 2012, I actually started implementing it. In Phoenix AZ, and expanding out globally from there, I started training friends to use Lucky and Fortunate planets for winning speculative things like betting. Considering that there has been the most success in short periods of time thus far [under precise conditions and specific days] I see progress. We've started simply wit