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Showing posts from May, 2012

My Goals 2012 Eclipse in May

I have a few simple demands from creator this lifetime. I would like to teach and travel doing works of Shamanism and Alchemy I would like to be safe and free of religious persecution during my life of work (on Shamanism and Alchemy) I would like to learn many languages and speak them with friends at a fluent level as I travel and teach. I would like to create several books and learning programs that better people through sharing the things that I've learned throughout my shamanistic working and alchemical projects. I would like to travel to and be safe and prosperous in the countries of Japan, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Mexico, Argentina, Madagascar, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Russia, Australia, Wales, and New Zealand. I would like to heal the place of unrest between humans and the environment. I would like create mushroom projects for healing the planet, cleaning the environment and feeding good food to huma

Native American: My Red Road of Remembrance

When I feel inclined and often times when I am conducting a ceremony among friends with the medicine of the peoples of this land, I am most moved my the ancestors of this land. I have both the blood of the Cherokee and the Zapotec natives of America. I eat the food grown of this land and Mexico and because of growing up around the American South West, I have been influenced by the remainder of the people that were settled here first. As an assignment in High School for extra credit I was able to attend a Pow Wow in San Diego. This dancing and chanting opened my eyes and I was lost in some ancient stream of genetic information that I then did not know what to do with. After years of exploring human consciousness, spirituality, rites of passage, and mystical initiations, I am now well through mapping the tip of the "iceberg." I've had the honor of attending and build many sweat lodge ceremonies of different teachers. I've researched the lives of great tribes of Nort

Mycelium is the Living Internet of the Earth

I'm a great mushroom enthusiast and an admirer of Eco Warriors like Paul Stamets. I felt it necessary to post the following videos explaining how incredible the force of mushrooms are on this planet Earth. Please enjoy my favorite Ted Talk by Mr Stamets:  I believe that this was the first time I ever saw Paul:  This is a great short video on Morel patch making:  Fungi were the first species of life on this planet to come on land from the Ocean of Evolution:  If you enjoyed these videos, please subscribe or send me a comment. Also Paul has some amazing books that I totally recommend. The best book by him that I have read is "Mycelium Running." By the way, there are legal magic mushrooms out there (in the states that is). Check out Gold of Sunshine for the  Amanita Muscaria , a mushroom long steeped in tradition and history. Sincerely, Hugh T Alchemy