The Astrology for Changing Times:
Mercury is in Retrograde so it's a time to complete old and unfinished tasks. For many, this retrograde can bring communication breakdowns, technology failures, travel and timing awkwardness. For me and my son, retrograde is time when our luck changes because we were born under Mercury Retro. From Thanksgiving until Jan 1st, Mercury will be in this state of causing confusion in most peoples schedules. Try to be understanding and let go of the communication problems associated with this season.
AND IF ALL ELSE FAILS, come and get a healing treatment or an Astrology or Design session with me or other members of the Sacred Spiral family. We are offering much of our healing services in San Clemente or North County San Diego.
Healing Services Highly Recommended:
- AromaTouch or Raindrop Aromatherapy (one hour table session) by Xana Moonflower*
- Reiki Session with Ellie Benfatti PhD*
- Family Constellations Therapy (amazing!) with Ellie Benfatti PhD*
- Human Design with Hugh T. Alchemy (aka Trevahr)*
- Vedic Astrology with Xana Moonflower*
*if you book at least one hour with any of these practitioners, mention Sacred Spiral and you will receive a gift of Wild Orange Essential Oil from Madagascar (mood and health enhancing)!
And if you purchase a Frankincense Essential Oil through me, I'll gift you with a Wild Orange Essential Oil. Our essential oil gift offer applies to you as many times you want to order oils and book appointments. Remember that Frankincense and Myrrh essential oils/resins were the original gifts to the Christ child...that likely make him Christ-like! Check out my page on the healing qualities of Frankincense.
I encourage everyone to buy precious metals for the coming barter economy that will replace the standard US Greenback. Be aware that most of my shamanic ceremonies will now entirely be shifting into TRADE, meaning no US dollars will be exchanged for attendance in 2012. Email me if you need a referral for great gold, silver and copper coins.
Human Design on Waking Within From now through 12/21/11 Human Design readings are $100 flat rate (one or two charts) approx 1hr reading. Free phone consultations so please call with questions about everything!!
Hugh T Alchemy
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