PLANT SPIRIT WISDOM, SHAMANIC MEDICINE PATH and Priest(ess) Intensive offered through the OSS
This is a rare (and limited) opportunity to take part in 7 days of combined learning, nature, ritual and ceremonies with three of the worlds most powerful and important teacher plants: Saint Ysidro, Saint Peter and the Shepherdess. The course includes three ceremonies, hiking and daily outdoor activities, Shamanic storytelling and Socratic Method Teaching. Training includes:
~Native Sweat Lodge Ceremony
~Daily Nature and Cave Hikes
~Intro to Soul Retrieval
~Power Animal Communion
~Daily Musical Journeys
~Salvia Divinorum Ceremony
~Book Study from: The Way of the Shaman by Michael Harner AND Awakening to the Spirit World by Sandra Ingerman and Hank Wesselman
~Daily Healthy Meals
~Hot/Cold Tubs and Steam Room
Please email me for an information pack, questions, scholarships or donations:
What are Shamanic Herbs and Plant Spirit Wisdom?
The word ayahuasca comes from two Quechua words: aya meaning spirit , soul , or ancestor , and huasca meaning vine or rope - hence it is known as the vine of souls . Its ceremonial use is as old as history itself. One of the earliest objects related to it is a specially-engraved cup, now a museum piece, which was found in the Amazon around 500 BC and shows that ayahuasca has been used as a sacrament for at least 2,500 years.
The brew is made from ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis caapi) and the leaves of the chacruna plant (Psychotria viridis). Both are collected from the rainforest in a sacred way and it is said that a shaman can find many sources by listening for the heartbeat that emanates from them.
San Pedro (Trichocereus pachanoi), the sacred mescaline cactus of South America, is one of the most ancient, legendary and magical teacher plants. Its name refers to Saint Peter who holds the keys to Heaven and speaks of its ability to open the gates for us into a world where we can heal, discover our divinity and find our purpose on Earth.
Its use as a sacrament and in healing rituals is ancient. The earliest archaeological evidence so far discovered is a stone carving found at the Jaguar Temple of ChavÃn de Huantar in northern Peru, which is almost 3,500 years old.
Salvia divinorum is a visionary teacher plant with a long tradition of religious use by Mazatec shamans, who use it to facilitate new states of awareness during spiritual healing sessions. Most of the plant's common shamanic names (such as Diviner's Sage, Ska MarÃa Pastora and Seer's Sage) allude to the Mazatec belief that the plant is an incarnation of the Virgin Mary or Shepherdess who leads users to a new understanding of reality, of healing, and of our human potential.
Together these plants afford you an extraordinary opportunity to change your life: to see the infinite possibilities that the universe offers you and to ground these by understanding what it means to be human and to live an authentic life of happiness and fulfillment.
-Quoted from Ross Heaven/The Four Gates

Often times much of this work can be PRIVATELY FACILITATED, so please inquire further if you are interested in booking a Shamanic session or having a Shamanic Priest from OSS preside over your Weddings, Funerals/Death Rites, Naming, Coming of Age, and Baptism events.
Many Blessings