Dear Friends and Alchemists,
I am writing out of excitment and satisfaction. Last week we completed class number three and the experiencial portion of the Salvia Divinorum Ethnobotany series. In a well intended, meditative setting with wonderful friends we experimented with altered states of consciousness induced by Salvia Divinorum leaves...
...and we were totally SUCCESSFUL with amazing and fun journeys and deep meditations.
So in honor of Spiritual Growth and with reverence to the Spirit of the Sage we are planning to add regular experiential groups for people like you to experience this God Given Sacrament (while it's still legal).
Everything comes with intentions for the highest good and the most learning so we will offer a lecture on the herbs and the traditional context (shamanism) of the herbal practices and we encourage you to do your own homework and research.

Check out the British documentary series: "Sacred Weeds" for more info on Salvia Divinorum and other herbs of the sacred sort.
Please read sites like before experimenting with your own consciousness. And always be prepared for "safe journeys." We in no way recommend this or other herbs for any specific individual and we invite you to make responsible decisions with your body, mind, and soul.

For events check out
I am writing out of excitment and satisfaction. Last week we completed class number three and the experiencial portion of the Salvia Divinorum Ethnobotany series. In a well intended, meditative setting with wonderful friends we experimented with altered states of consciousness induced by Salvia Divinorum leaves...
...and we were totally SUCCESSFUL with amazing and fun journeys and deep meditations.
So in honor of Spiritual Growth and with reverence to the Spirit of the Sage we are planning to add regular experiential groups for people like you to experience this God Given Sacrament (while it's still legal).
Everything comes with intentions for the highest good and the most learning so we will offer a lecture on the herbs and the traditional context (shamanism) of the herbal practices and we encourage you to do your own homework and research.

Check out the British documentary series: "Sacred Weeds" for more info on Salvia Divinorum and other herbs of the sacred sort.
Please read sites like before experimenting with your own consciousness. And always be prepared for "safe journeys." We in no way recommend this or other herbs for any specific individual and we invite you to make responsible decisions with your body, mind, and soul.

For events check out
Yoga has been known worldwide for some years now and it has become very popular on the entire planet. Millions of people engage into it for various reasons everyday. But even though it has tremendous benefits and millions of people stand as proof to that, there are still some that do not really believe in its health benefits. But can those contradict the millions of people whom have already tried and benefited from it