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Yoga Swami and Encinitas History

Readers and Yoga Adventurers,

Just recently called the Yoga Mecca of the USA, Encinitas CA and Yoga Swami (where I teach two days a week) are special and are a must visit for any yoga adventurers. See the article in the winter 2008 copy of the Encinitas magazine.

Encinitas, Swami's Surf Spot, Cardiff-by-the-Sea, and Leucadia...can be consider spiritual vortex hotspots. This evident in the number of places to worship just on the coast (west of hwy 101) near the cliffside beachs or Swami's and Moonlight.

So my mother's family (mexican americans) lived in Encinitas during the period of time when Paramahansa Yogananda (the Swami that Swami's is named after). This time period was about the 1930's- 1940's. At this time Encinitas, was well liked by Swami Yogananda and he settled there for sometime. Swami Yogananda was a capricorn and he was a very involved meditator and yoga practicioner. His foundation still exists in Encinitas to this day even though a large portion of the Swami's temple has since fallen down the erroding cliffside.

I highly recommend that you visit the Self Realization Fellowship Gardens (where the temple used to be) and enjoy the outdoor atmosphere along with the waterfalls and the koi fish. There is also a breath-taking view of the coastline and the Pacific Ocean horizon. This brings me to another point. The SRF Gardens and many of the areas surrounding the Swami's section of Encinitas are considered to energetic (some might say spiritual vortexes). --And you might wonder why there are more yoga studios and spiritual community centers than anywhere else around!

As a practicioner of meditation for several years now and yoga for 4 years(since I was 18 and still going strong), feel that the location has several different healing qualities. The more obvious ones that I feel like blogging are:
1. Cardiff and encinitas naturally draw people to activities that encourage softening the mind and breathing in peace
2. There is more karmic exchange and therefore a faster spiritual evolution and a greater forgiveness rate
3. It honestly slows time. I mean to say that the vortexes of Encinitas are similar to slow time bubbles.

Anyways, more information is soon to come and I highly recommend that you go for a walk on a fair weathered day in the older parts of Encinitas on Highway 101.

My Love and Namaste,

Waking Within Company


Unknown said…
Thanks for posting this. I heard this week that this area might be a vortex and as I googled to find more information I found your blog. In my visit last Sunday my husband and I already took a walk at along the shore and it was so pleasant (even though it was cold). We are actually looking into moving to the area. We noticed the self-realization center and I am just about to check when there are services/events so we can join as well. Are you visiting the self-realization center frequently? It would be nice to get to know each other.
Thanks again, Sigal Zoldan

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