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Your Truth Determines If You Walk This Path (Not Your Tooth)


As a Priest in a Neo-Shamanic Order of Alchemists, often times I am challenged along this path and much of my practice and teaching faces strong tests of faith, courage, and trust. Recently my main student of the OSS 7 day training had an accident in which he chipped his tooth. 

Now it's important to know that your subconscious thoughts (and some powerful conscious thoughts) affect your reality and all that comes into your life. So when I received a text message from my student who is very interested in this retreat that he may have to back out due to his dental work, I do what any great teacher with Coyote Medicine (aka Jackal Medicine in Africa) by taking the following perspectives: 
  1. What's this text really saying?
  2. Where is the fear based creation?
  3. Where's the breakthrough?
  4. How can I show compassion and still make a stand against this student's fear?
  5. What within myself is afraid to teach him?
  6. What ritual actions and prayers do I need to make in order to receive what I'm looking for and offer what's right to my students?

Followed by howling and barking at the Moon (j/k) Registered & Protected © Copyright 2011 Cat Athena Louise
The lessons and challenges continue and I can't say that my ego is used to them, but I can tell you that I practice a path with much testing and opportunity for personal growth. So in many ways I am reminded on a daily basis that I walk with the Jackal and the Coyote as my guides. I am constantly learning about how our intentions morph and shape-shift as a way of teaching us.

This week I am grateful the challenges of the students and the preparations of the retreat. I will go on with this retreat and lovingly remind my students:

That it is the our "truth" that keeps us on the path, not our "tooth."

In' Lakech,

Hugh T Alkemi 


Newsletter 11/14/11

It's been a while since I've communicated but I've been busy with LIFE and my path. This email will be the first in a series of Holistic Newsletters that help to inform you about what's new in the community. If you would like to get together with me and friends to sample teas for RADIANT HEALTH and our THERMOGENIC coffee, please schedule a visit! We are happy to offer complimentary wellness consultations for you and your family.

Our FIRST 7 Day Shamanism Intensive is approaching fast (November 21st through 28th). We want to welcome and invite you to join us for amazing retreat living and shamanic training in San Diego. If you have an interest please let me know. Check out my blog:

Also our community is encouraging trading as an alternative to money again, and this time in the form or Silver and other precious metals. 

I am interested in seeing you all very soon,

~Hugh T Alchemy.

Waking Within Co.
Sales and Marketing Department


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