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When The Salvia Spirit Speaks, I Listen.

For a brief moment last spring and winter, I was working for an excellent intention-ed start-up company called Takedo Panacea LLC as the prime formulator of a patented salvia chewing gum product. For several weeks in May 2013, I was surrounded by the various implements to generate a new recipe for the world in the realm of psycho-spiritual development. As a chemist and a magician in my personal life and a walker of shamanic paths and priesthood, I felt very empowered and very much in struggle with my employment.

I may have been hired because of my organizational skills and my dedication to EntheoRadio as an education tool but the work of creating a suitable capsule for the spirit of the Shepherdess was a truly shamanic challenge and vision quest all on its own. The first lesson was that she (Salvia Divinorum, Ska Maria, La Pastora, The Shepherdess) was really real and very much alive in every form of salvia from the chemical extracts to the leaves and the living plants. In the past, I've had my doubts, especially about Salvia (because of the weirdness factor) and with previous experiences I mainly oral dosed by chewing her foliage.

Whatever the task and the next encounter, I knew that my relationship with her had always be good. Honestly, I can say she's always shown me good visions and even when I smoked I had great trips including many images and sounds of Christmas time or things related to Santa Claus. Then and now, I'm still very perplexed when someone swears off of her because of a bad trip.

On the first week, I received a message while chewing gum with salvia in it and attempting not to swallow my spit (because salvinorin A is only orally active through the saliva glands in the mouth or via smoking) for about twenty minutes (effects only last one hour). The magical procedure and my personal ritual (which took place at home in my bedroom) was to wait until I was ready for bed at night after brushing my teeth and gums with a toothbrush, turn out the lights, and chew the gum in darkness with eyes shut, usually while siting up so my saliva didn't run down my throat.

Salvia, Sally, Ska Maria or someone with a feminine voice or rather "feminine way of communicating" telepathically shocked me with the message: "Westerners are rape me by smoking me." So many concepts flooded my awareness with that simply psychic message. I realized that she was having a relationship with me and that when I chewed her leaves or extractions that we were having a conscious sexual intercourse. Psychic vibrations rattled through my head and my body hairs stood up. I realized that even though she, Sally, didn't have a body, she was a real WOMAN. It was almost as embarrassing as being drunk, picking up a woman at a social gathering, taking her home, and waking up next to her confused about what happened and how we ended up in bed the next morning. (By the way, I've never been drunk on alcohol and rarely ever go to bars or drink fire-water for that matter.)

Raping plants, spirits or spiritual beings and the earth's consciousness? I asked myself if I truly believed in this before considering it in the way my salvia trip evoked. That night, I recorded a couple paragraphs in my notes and moved on to bed where I dreamed intense Lucid Dreams as Salvia Divinorum has been shown to produce. At this point, I wasn't sure Ska Maria would let us make a gum product of her for day trippers and recreational stress relief, but I knew that as a dreaming herb she showed vast promise. Would the world be ready for a dream enhancing gum?

To be continued in "Making Love to Ska Maria Pastora"


Hugh T Alkemi

Salvia tinctures are being produced in personalized batches in Arizona by this author and available at Happy Healthy High Horney Herbs in Tempe AZ or if you email to make personal arrangements. Find me online and ask about my alchemical and astrological methods of medicine production. 


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