Salvia Divinorum is an easy plant to cultivate and can be very sustainable and rewarding to the Shamanic Herbal enthusiast. It is primarily probagated through cuttings but lately the plants that many of my friends keep are sprouting flowers and eventually seeds. These are sensitive plants and, I believe, need lots of loving care. If provided a safe and compassionate living space with the right conditions (humid, shaded and warm) your very own Ska Maria Pastora will offer you stronger medicine that you can find at most stores where these are sold. Usually they are sold at Smoke Shops or Smart Shops but check your local laws because sometimes the Shepherdess is restricted in your area.
There are many ways to experience the visions of the mint and while smoking it might be popular and "what you have heard of," it's a very INTENSE experience and should only be done if you are experienced with the Plants of the Gods and other smoking herbs of the world. I've been meaning to assemble a few of the stories (aka Trip Reports) from my friends whom I've "sat" for. The smoking experience usually yields one of two things: something vastly profound and edging on incomprehensible OR nothing worth doing again (too weird or just doesn't work).
Digression is one of those things that I enjoy doing in my writing and now is one of those times where "I digress." Today I am writing to invite you to Salvia ceremonies in your area. Classes and groups are run through a community of teachers within our organization, Sacred Spiral. Groups tend to be more in the US and around the Southwest but our group and reach is expanding more and more and hopefully if you have an interest in this medicine, the Great Spirit will bring her to your area.
In Arizona during the month of August 2012, we have a ceremony prepared that you can RSVP for on Facebook. Here are the details:

Seating is limited. Donations requested (~30 to 50) or Trade. Ceremony is about 90 min with about 40 minutes in the vision space. You will be sober at the end of the night. This is a legal and welcome entheogen within the Arizona state limits.
RSVP or call for the location. 619-663-4844
Hugh T Alchemy
If you wish to try salvia leaves, purchase extracts or get your very own plant, please visit Main Salvia page