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Dune; Frank Herbert's Masterpiece

Have you read this novel? Dune is one of the must reads for anyone growing up in this era of transformation and technology. It was created by Frank Herbert in the 1960s and it still has meaning (in addition to some of the highest ratings for Best Sci Fiction book and audio book). Personally I've read every Dune story written by Frank Herbert and many of them written by his son Brian. I've chosen a few quotes for you below that seem to represent the changes that have come to news during the Obama administration 2012.

Many of these quotes have something to do with the opinions or observations of the characters. These are selected from Book 4: God Emperor of Dune. Personally I love this book and intent to re-read it because originally I disliked it due to cynicism of the main character Leto II.

Hugh T Alchemy

The following quotes come from a collection assembled by the fine author at please visit his site for the complete works of Dune quotations.

One of the most terrible words in any language is Soldier. The synonyms parade through our history: yogahnee, trooper, hussar, kareebo, cossack, dernazeef, legionnaire, sardaukar, fish speaker...I know them all. They stand there in the ranks of my memory to remind me: Always make sure you have the army with you.
        -The Stolen Journals
 You must remember that I have at my internal demand every expertise known to our history. This is the fund of energy I draw upon when I address the mentality of war. If you have not heard the moaning cries of the wounded and the dying, you do not know about war. I have heard those cries in such numbers that they haunt me. I have cried out myself in the aftermath of battle. I have suffered wounds in every epoch—wounds from fist and club and rock, from shell-studded limb and bronze sword, from the mace and the cannon, from arrows and lasguns and the silent smothering of atomic dust, from biological invasions which blacken the tongue and drown the lungs, from the swift gush of flame and the silent working of slow poisons...and more I will not recount! I have seen and felt them all. To those who dare ask why I behave as I do, I say: With my memories, I can do nothing else. I am not a coward and once I was human.
        -The Stolen Journals

  The female sense of sharing originated as familial sharing—care of the young, the gathering and preparation of food, sharing joys, love and sorrows. Funeral lamentation originated with women. Religion began as a female monopoly, wrested from them only after its social power became too dominant. Women were the first medical researchers and practitioners. There has never been any clear balance between the sexes because power goes with certain roles as it certainly goes with knowledge.
        -The Stolen Journals

Unceasing warfare gives rise to its own social conditions which have been similar in all epochs. People enter a permanent state of alertness to ward off attacks. You see the absolute rule of the autocrat. All new things become dangerous frontier districts—new planets, new economic areas to exploit, new ideas or new devices, visitors—everything suspect. Feudalism takes firm hold, sometimes disguised as a polit-bureau or similar structure, but always present. Hereditary succession follows the lines of power. The blood of the powerful dominates. The vice regents of heaven or their equivalent apportion the wealth. And they know they must control inheritance or slowly let the power melt away. Now, do you understand Leto's Peace?
        -The Stolen Journals

[try something better than the Spice Melange]


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