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Shamanic Priesthood in Modern Shamanism

What is it to be a Shamanic Priest? I was called upon to embody this new title recently as Sacred Spiral organization here in San Diego begins an education process of Ayahuasca (an ancient psychedelic healing sacrament from the Amazon Rainforest peoples). Our organization is becoming legally similar to other churches with shamanic sacrament. Thus creating a daily process of ritual and transformation to be “one” with Shamanism and Priesthood becomes a practice that wakes me up early and keeps me up late (and lately, has me answering questions).

What is a Shamanic Priest?

Short answer is that it’s different than a “traditional anything”. So I would like to start by saying even though this path “legally” qualifies as a Reverend, Monk, Minister, or Pastor…it isn’t that as we know or understand in our American Christian Culture. Although as a Shamanic Priest, one can walk those paths (Reverend, Pastor, Minister, or Monk) and feel in perfect service to the Divine, the Earth, or whatever Shamanism he/she practices. I compare Shamanic Priest to the label of Neo-Shaman as it relates to a new tradition for the modern era, the technological shift in consciousness, the spiritual shift in awareness in addition to all the Native practices for ritual, ceremony, and healing.

As a Shamanic Priest, you will be called to meet, greet and create alliances with Christians, Catholics, Mormons, Jews, Buddhists, Pagans, Muslims, and all faiths in hopes of “cross-pollination” with these faiths and collaboration on the Earth.

You know when I think about it…just yesterday, I was talking to an older man about being ‘cells’ of the Earth and relating to him how if we serve the planet, and how if we do eco-conscious things then we are creating health in the body of the Divine Mother and the Universe. Contrary, I explained, that if we pollute and create trash we are behaving as “cancer” cells would behave in a healthy body (of Earth and the Universe).

…all earthly organisms are living in a symbiosis with the Planet Earth comparable to the system of microscopic cells and bacteria that live within the Human and Animal bodies.

Shamanism is a practice of centering oneself (similar to Zen) on the Earth, with Nature, with Spirits and “all things” for the purpose of guidance, spiritual growth, learning, or healing within the Self or the Tribe (Global Community or Local Family). Priests and Priestesses create organization and maintain regular gatherings as they communicate to others about the Spiritual realms as well as the Ways of Living on the physical Earth planes.

A Shamanic Priest holds space-daily- for personally development, spiritual growth, education, physical and mental well-being while weaving old ways (Native/Tribal) with the neo-spiritual paths and global society (Religion and Technology).

How do we become Shamanic Priests and Priestesses?

I always considered shamans to be naturalists, herbalists, ancient scientists, and intuitive doctors. Yet many times, shamans are called to communicate for and be in community with Spirits and other worldly/dimensional beings with the intent do provide new information/energies for the Human Tribe.

More and more, I seem to understand that I am asked to live me life in the way of a Priest of the Earth and a Guardian of the Plants and Fungi. Shamanic Priests and Priestesses hold space that the American way and the Religious paths “go Green” and that each politician, Father, Minister, and Monk fall upon their knees, stick their foreheads in the soil and call out “All My Relations” (Aho Mitakyasin).

We are teaching the world about ECO-Medicine and I see things changing and know that within my lifetime and within the trainings our “Church” (religious/spiritual order) creates, there will be peace as our leaders on Capital Hill and in the Vatican drop down to hold the ground in praise as the realize that Jesus taught about Sacred Mushrooms. May the eyes of the greedy and sick be opened by the Earth and her cosmic neuro-network of mycelium.

Throughout childhood and my teen years, there have only been two roles in American society that come close to fitting my dreams/lifestyle…the doctor and the priest (a.k.a. the scientist or metaphysician with a Doctorate level degree and the SHAMAN or YOGI/“Hindu Holy Man”). There is no use for violence and war anymore…and I know any other lifetime the Warrior in me would be executing these greedy people and their ways of Earth-Ignorance…so it’s this lifetime…here and NOW…I decree and create an Order of the Sacred Spiral associated Priests, Priestesses and Shaman for the purpose of developing awareness and dissolving the sickness of corporate greed, banking, credit, pollution, g.m.o.’s, and all in-organic things that fall outside of the Plan of The TREE OF LIFE (which is a real thing that we visit in Shamanic journeys and dreamtime).

No More! Let the Earth speak and let Mother twist and shake us to bring awareness to our folly and egotism. The polls may shift and the most you can do about it is learn to LIVE more fully and to live off the land.

So like Jesus and the Alchemist, we walking and watching as the sun sets over the world of greed and industry. If you wish to join us as the Order of the Sacred Spiral grows, begin living your practice now by holding consciousness with these things:

Plants and Fungi,
God Within and Without,
As above, so below,
Visit the Tree of Life/World Tree,
Learn other languages and visit other lands,
Practice body awareness and mechanics (ie. Yoga or Tai Chi),
Pray Everyday,
Breathe deeply when possible (it’s possible most of the time),
Hike in nature,
Learn about Native peoples,
Be open to non-western medicines,
Plant something!
Grow food (even just a little),
Get covered in the Earth/Dirt (other than the beach!),
Each and Buy Organic,
Trade fairly,
Think outside the Money=FREEDOM/happiness BOX!
Visit with old folks,



Yogi Trevahr Hughes
Shamanic Priest- “Forever in Training”

Your Priesthood begins when you learn and practice with the Earth everyday; cultivating its secrets in your being, in your community, the environment, and all that is….things outlined here are just guidelines and may change person to person.


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