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Journey of Las Medicinas y Church of the Sacred Spiral

Dear Friends,

Some of you joined us and many of you heard that last weekend we completed a beautiful series on the Magic Cactus with our Ethnobotany students. I held space along with some of my dearest friends and presented a series of Neo-Shamanic altars and rituals. The divine Earth we walked upon for our journey to healing was a blessed and sacred site that my family owns on the back side Palomar Mountain.

As we got out of the city and into the country, I prayed for perfect weather and perfect community. Sunday throughout the ritual and the hiking that preceded said ritual, I was overwhelmed with GRACE for those who chose to stay behind and not attend this journey. I honored their path and allow them to continued to build trust in themselves and the medicine work and in nature and weather.

When we arrived, the weather was perfect and mild and incredibly...there was rain everywhere except for where we hiked. All week and the day before, people were scared of bad weather and hard times for this journey, when actually nothing of difficulty in the weather crossed us. My inner guides spoke with me and assured me all week and whilst I prayed over and prepared the medicine (for six days I might add), that we would do the ritual and the hike safely "rain or shine" and that even though many people threatened to be absent if it rained that this was a test of my faith in the Father Sky.

Of course, Mother Earth and Father Sky took care of us. And everyone of us had a breakthrough in the bitterness of the medicine, letting go, trust and teamwork, outdoors-manship, honest sharing, music making, dancing,and altar building.

For me the most pivetal stuff was sharing the names of all friends and family who needed healing. By this time it was dark and we had shared so many times that people we really free and felt the trust of our circle and offered boldly the names of loved ones, rivals, strangers, recently passed family, and private names for themselves.

I was touched and honored and will always remember this experience of March 7th 2010 and the Journey of the Magic Cactus. Afterwards we came home to eat and decompress and do one final alter and circular share. Sometime around 3am I got to bed but my dreams have been so vivid and memorable that for the last two nights, I feel like I am living two lives (waking and dreaming realities).

On Monday, March 8th 2010 we contacted the IRS via phone and collected the necessary answers and information about the Sacred Spiral becoming an official church with a Non-Profit status and Organizing Documents of which lawyers will review and submit to the state. This means that in a matter of weeks (and some attorney fees) we will be official conducting Shamanic and Mystic Ceremonies within State regulations under the name "Sacred Spiral".

As we gather resources and I offer healing services and ceremonies as a Shamanic Minister in the state of California, our community organization will dedicate itself to funding the lawyer fees of $2,000 (yes, Universe we are asking you for MONEY for create healing community!) and to partnering with Liberty Advance and the Native American Church (two established non-profit religious organizations)in the Southern California areas.

Check out my brother's blog at and help us collect funds for communities worldwide as we change lives through community and the miracle of altered states, yoga, dance, herbalism, and alchemy.

We are also looking for scholarships to the MAPS conference (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Sciences) in San Jose CA on April 15th-18th 2010.

DONATE TO OUR CHURCH and help us pay Lawyer fees


Trevahr R Hughes
Yogi and Shamanic Minister


nice blog & thk for sharing, nice to meet u, wish all the best to u

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