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Dreaming the Dark Times 3: Salvia and Mushrooms for Seers


Salvia the diviner’s mint, is one of the most powerful psychedelics in the natural world. It along with Magic Mushrooms are used traditionally by Meso-American shamans (Mazatepec, Mazatec, Zapotec, etc) and my ancestors for purposes of healing and visions. Unequivocally, magic mushrooms which are containers of psilocin, psilocybin and baeocystin have been consumed by nearly all our ancestors including lighter skinned and nordic peoples. Salvia has only recently become a whole world phenomenon with many places banning it. Most western people take salvia as an extracted smoke, while most people in history chewed the leaves and burned them dried and unextracted.

Salvia when taken orally as opposed to smoking seems to be the best focus of this article on dreaming. Some psychedelic effects are possible with this method especially if you are holding your saliva (spit) in your mouth for at least 20 minutes along with the herb or extract. Most of these are spiritual, central nervous system activating, relaxing, and produce closed eye visuals. Salvia or La Pastora (the Shepherdess) is known for green streamers and vines that seem to have a form of language or intelligence. Versus smoking, tincture in a concentration above 10x or whole fresh leaves held in my mouth (no swallowing) for 20 min is my preferred experience with this true Entheogen and Onierogen.

Since the Shepherdess is relaxing to my central nervous system, she is especially helpful in helping me to return to sleep and especially after having a challenging or emotional dream that wakes me up. Between Mugwort and Salvia Divinorum, I usually have these tinctured medicines bedside. Dreaming can be lucid to real-world intellectual and include problem solving and reading.

Magic mushrooms, while not directly a dreaming herb, can be a cognition enhancer, can calm and support the breath, lungs, heart and central nervous system. If taken in lower doses and with the correct environment (set and setting), they produce exceptional results for personal growth and spiritual contact (generally in the positive). It’s worth mentioning that the philosopher Terrence McKenna called them and their chemical psilocybin, “evidence of an alien probe” because of its resemblance to DMT.  I’ve large dosed, microdosed and had the active ingredients in magic mushrooms absorb into my skin. I think there is really something to the skin consumption of fresh mushrooms and the processing of spores that’s worth further investigation.

These two sacred substances were taken together or alone depending on the shaman and the seasonal environment. In my practice, my goals are lucid dreaming and understanding visions of the future and my personal psychology as it manifests through dreaming nightly. If all humans on this planet followed these practices of self reflection and consumed these two Oneirogens weekly, our world would be in a better way, and much of the natural order of the planet would be restored and stewarded.

The mushrooms are children of the stars and their alien friends are here to watch over them as they cultivate us.


Hugh T Alkemi




insta @mushroomshamanism 

#Salvia #shrooms


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