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Magic Protection and Cord Cutting

During my years as a teacher of Metaphysics and the series Defense Against the Dark Arts, I have encountered questions from students about energy, energy cords or parasitic connections to others and energy vampires. I have read and listened to many opinions on these subjects and find the following blog re-post from Cedar Stevens to be honest and helpful. It conveys many things I have talked about and encouraged students to practice.  Please read the following before going on to read more of my own words on these subjects.

Original is available here:

Cord cutting is a ritual done to remove unhealthy energetic attachments between yourself and another person or persons. I believe that Diane Stein was the first to detail this protocol in her book "Psychic Healing With Spirit Guides and Angels." I will transcribe her tech and append a number of variations that may suit your occasion. This is well-worked magickal practice which has developed considerably since her writing.

It is illuminating to consider what these cords are. The theory is that they are the visualized energy transfer conduit between two people. One is usually the donor, and one is usually on the receptive end. It is a relationship of dependency between a stronger being and a weaker being. If this is sounding unhealthy already, good! However, it has been theorized that these conduits are modeled after the umbilical cord. Your first cord cutting ritual was at birth! That was the severance of the meat of the cord, but there is usually no doubt that an energetic cord of (hopefully) healthy dependance remains between baby-child-young adult and their parents. Cords also form along this umbilical model between friends, lovers, spouses, employees and employers...and unfortunately between predators (aka energy vampires) and their prey.

Because we are all people somewhere on the spectrum of mental health and emotional unbalance, with motives from pure to puerile, there are many opportunities for cords to be formed, whether we like it or not. Some of these connections are healthy, others codependent, others outright malicious.

Diane Stein's original exercise goes:
"Enter the meditative state, ground and center, do full body
relaxation, and invite in your spirit guides, angels, and God/
Goddess/Source. Place protection around yourself. Look within and
ask your guides to show you the first layer of negative chakra cords
to be removed. Look at your solar plexus first. You will see coming
from that center one or more of what look like electric cords plugged
into it. They will seem ugly, dark, or moldy looking, and of various
sizes and thicknesses.

Pick one to focus upon and ask whom it is connected to. You will see,
feel, or know ther person. If it feels right, ask to cut the cord; if
it doesn't feel right, there will be another time. Cutting the cord
does not harm the other person in any way, it just frees your energy
from that person. To cut the cord, visualize scissors or light doing
the job, or ask your guides to cut it or unplug it like a lamp. The
cord will snap back to the person it came from; if it doesn't or there
is a root of it left, ask your guides to take it away. Send light to
the person who has been released, if you can, then fill yourself with
healing light where the plug came out to heal the chakra."

I was taught a variation of this by Reclaiming teachers. We would go to each chakra in turn, starting with the Root Chakra and proceeding up to Third Eye. If you just do Solar Plexus cords, you would miss the cords attached to your Heart with an ex who you can't get over, or the Root Chakra dependencies with a boss who uses your paycheck or job security as a way to control you, and so forth. I disagree with her that there is any “need to know” who the cord is shared with. “Needing to Know” is a trait of obsession which only benefits either the unhealthy attachment at hand, or the tendency to enter into others in the future.

There is no need to cut cords from the Crown Chakra. This is the chakra of the Higher Power, and cords to this chakra only attach to the Divine nature we all share.

We also used actual knives to cut our cords, and the ideal would be your ritual Athame. I have a very gnarly Boline for this work!

Some cords of love lost or codependency are re-formed out of habit, and this is why we should repeat this operation every day for a week or so to get over whatever grief or unhealthy attachment.

Some very persistent Energy Vampires are very aware of this magickal act, and will know when their feed tube is cut off, and reattach it. I have heard of and used a couple of these strategies, but really this is a very rare situation which should be scrutinized to eliminate that the source is not an internal one.

1) First, realize that any agent who seeks to feed off your energy is inherently confessing that they are weak and you are strong. This knowledge will ALWAYS give you the advantage in such a struggle. Most victims feel powerless compared to their predator, but this is a cheap mind trick which is often the ONLY developed skill of the vampire. If they were truly more powerful than you, they would not need you at all.

2) Use Banishing oil or Four Thieves Vinegar to rinse the ritual knife, athame, scissors, etc., before and after the cord cutting. Four Thieves Vinegar is used to eliminate and bring dissolution to enemies, hexes, and the like. The Witch Bottle technology is a similar way to diffuse negative magick sent your way.

3) Instead of allowing the cord to "snap back" to the vampire, plug it back into either the Crown Chakra or another Fountain of positive energy such as a Unicorn Spirit Guide, Guardian Angel, or the like. The needy party is then flooded with more energy than they know what to do with, and become healed by communion with the Divine. Sometimes otherwise positive romantic relationships can become discordant or veer into unhealthy or codependent terrain. You might try re-attaching your cords to your Beloved to the Crown Chakra, to bring the relationship back under the guardianship of each other's Higher Power.

4) Instead of allowing the cord to snap back, plug it into some large, immobile, and useless material object, such as a junk van on a wrecker lot, or a building that is always on the market that nobody will buy. This connection will cost the parasite more energy than they can afford, and theoretically they will give up after a few more attempts to re-attach.

5) You can hand the severed cord off to any God, GoddessSpirit Guide, Totem Animal, or Ancestor that you are on good terms with, and ask them to take care of this for you. 

6) Attach the severed cord to a mirror. Put the mirror in a black bag or pouch some place away from your home where it will be undisturbed for some time. This metaphysically causes the perpetrator to reflect on what they are doing and receive the energy they are giving.

Some of these techniques are tried and true, and others are more experimental Defense Against the Dark Arts. I would definitely ask for feedback on how these or the many other versions have worked for you.

Most importantly, since Nature and Magick abhor a vacuum, return to mundane life and replace the negative energies with protection, self blessing, forward focus, and dedication to your own Will. DO NOT OBSESS on your little problem. (Vampyers love obsession...) Try to think of it as something you will have to remind yourself to do, like taking an antibiotic on time every day. Other than that, you have much more important things to do with your life!

Cedar Stevens
Sept 2012
I truely appreciate Cedar's words and the thoroughness of the article. Please notice that her original links are preserved in the above repost.

Personally, I have advised or practices most if not all the above "cord cutting" exercises. I think they are necessary and with regularity can provide conscious people with more healthful lives that are reflected in the precision of magick/intention, physical health and fitness, and mental and emotional health. It is important for all of us to realize that the way we came into this world with Mom's lifeline and the physical umbilical cord connected set us up to have healthy connections with people and in many ways to rely on others for nurturing. 

So don't be alarmed if now you have become aware of how often people "cord" each other. Also, experiment with cutting cords daily, even when nothing negative is coming through and attach everyone to Source, Light, Creator, and/or Highest Good. In my own visualizations, I connect cords to the Galactic Center to a Supernova of light. As they above author mentions, you can connect energy to anything or anywhere...even throughout time (stop and thing about that one a minute).  

In the Golden Dawn and other magickal orders, an exercise called the Middle Pillar is suggested and sometimes required. It is an amazing exercise to prepare yourself for visualizing energy, chakras, and even cords. Middle Pillar as taught by Israel Regardie is and can be a powerful way to gain experience with that same Galactic Creative Life Force Energy (sometimes called Light or Love or God) that I described earlier. And once you have a relationship or an experience with that Higher Power, not only can you admit you are more powerful than the "vampires" but you can also help them to evolve by connecting them to that same source. 

Out of the suggestions made, I personally enjoyed the one about connecting the cord to something useless, run-down or draining. That's a bit of revenge and some might say Black Magick because you interfere with the will (or intention) of the other person, which in this case isn't very high, moral or's a black magician's will. I mostly pride my teachings on the fact that there is more than enough energy in the Universe for all of us and encourage my students to take the High Road. We know that their is more than enough energy for all beings because Science tells us that the Universe is ever-expanding. 

So why not attach those parasites to something like the Light or Love source at the Galactic Center?

White Knight aside, I see value in experience and encourage experiential learning for my students...hey Harry Potter became the best because he was constantly assailed by the "Dark Arts" and evil...and even Severus Snape was at one time a Death-eater and he kind of saved them all, right? The Snape in my wonders what would happen if you attached an energy parasite to a black hole...ya know the opposite to the White Light Super Nova force in the Universe. 

Hmmm, connect them to a sucking, draining inter-dimensional portal that may implode there very intention? Black holes are nasty huh? This is where someone in the back of the class coughs and it sounds like CERN. Come on folks, there is an intense number of black magickal groups and activities out there. I suggest you look into who else has had a class on this subject and what they are up to.

The Angelic Sword theory:

I like some many others (primarily Knights Templar types), believe that it's perfectly appropriate to train and use astral, spirit weapons. One of my favorite visualizations is to imagine myself holding a sword that is set ablaze with holy fire, the very same sword that Archangel Michael is often pictured with. These are real astral objects and when you connect with them regularly enough to bring them into your imaginal and visionary field while in the real world and dealing with difficult people or situations, the world and all its beings seem to respond. 

Having created and practiced welding your angelic sword (with righteousness of course, but non less wrath than that of God), you can use it to disturb or ward off would be muggers, vampires, and other negative apparitions. This practice is a focused one and requires most people to master their emotions, especially fear.  Once mastered, the emotions such as fear can be converted into focused wrath, which for some people is all the signal they need to LEAVE YOU ALONE! 

Astral knives, swords and many other weapons can be fashioned to your taste. I am simply encouraging the most common, archetypal and well known spiritual tools in the world (ie The Sword of Saint Michael) because (in my experience) when a vampire or other unsavory person sees that coming they usually pack up and leave with all their energy and tricks. The fire is always a great touch and is very easy to visualize. 

Plus nothing says "You won't be sucking my energy again," like sizzled and cauterized psychic tentacles.

Having an altar at home with a real knife on it helps too...hence the athame mentioned above. 

I hope this helps you and that everyone has a regular meditation and visualization practice in which they can become aware of the astral and spiritual worlds overlaid on this measurable one. Be responsible and hold integrity in your actions and honor in your words. Remember to clearly state your intention to the Universe or a Higher Power and go from there. 

Always frame things in the positive (in a sentence or statement especially to the Universe). Sometimes just taking your power back or re-affirming it is enough to clean up your space, your chakras, and your life. If all else fails, seek a teacher.


Captain Hugh T Alkemi


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