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Alchemy in Sin City (Las Vegas, Baby)


As an adult, I had never been to Las Vegas, Nevada before (commonly referred to as Sin City). Wow! Wah! What a city and what an experience! I've learned more about life, people and this City (perhaps even the nature of city dwellers), in this week in Las Vegas than I've learned over the course of 7 years. I'm actually still here. Any I've still got about the same money I started with, this means that I've won enough to eat and drink and be merry (because that costs a pretty penny here). 

So, I first brought up the idea of Lucky Astrology for Gambling about a year ago and this summer 2012, I actually started implementing it. In Phoenix AZ, and expanding out globally from there, I started training friends to use Lucky and Fortunate planets for winning speculative things like betting. Considering that there has been the most success in short periods of time thus far [under precise conditions and specific days] I see progress.

We've started simply with a facebook group on Human Design, Astrology, and Astroluck (as I'm calling it). In September we had a fortunate encounter with an inspiring and talented astrologer who uses the midpoint system or Biocosmology (or is it Cosmic Biology?). His name is David and just like the Message David in the Bible, he has brought good words and teachings to my community and I. So the system that I've recently picked up is called the Cards of Destiny. It's astrology and divination using the playing cards, the poker deck. A good site is Robert Lee Camp's page on the Cards of Destiny.

The cards, the planets and the Human Design all seem to help. The best lesson though, is to know when to quit and know your chart and what transit-times and where. While in Vegas, I was with my friends (4) for about one week. It's incredible what I've seen and the trends that I've watched.

If you are ever to get into gambling or speculative betting, PLEASE CONSIDER THE POSITIONS OF VENUS AND JUPITER both within your birth stars and at the times you are prepared to play. And always walk away with winnings, because there will always be another time to play (usually it's in about three hours). We as a group did our best to keep time for each other, but really I was the only one watching the clock. At times the energy got so wrapped up in Money and Vegas thrills that I had to set alarms before even leaving my hotel room.....
El Cortez Hotel/Casino on Freemont Street in Las Vegas is the King of Spade

Speaking of hotel rooms, if you come to Vegas, and you believe in Astrology or Sacred Geometry, you simply must get a suite in the Luxor Hotel and Casino. In the beginning of the trip we stayed at a place just across from Caesar's Palace and the vibes were mild to low to say the least. After doing numerology on the casinos within the area (spoiler alerts ahead), I discovered that I would only like to game at Treasure Island, Paris, and mayhaps Bellagio. Then we discovered Freemont Street (downtown Vegas), and I personally favor the energy of El Cortez. Each time we went there, we made money walking out, and because it's lower scale (kinda divey) we had no problems walking away with our money to bigger and best things.

However, at least two of my friends had problems walking away with money just over the top of what they put in, and thus they paid to play (plus got free drinks and comps). Personally, my teachers tell me that I need to play to make money, not play for fun, and not for comps. Having fun and receiving a comp are nice but DISCIPLINE IS THE KEY, AND I AM THE KEY MASTER. (Honestly I am, it's in my Human Design chart, a "design of the Keeper of the Keys" plus I'm very Saturn influenced.)
So Vegas has advanced me in two ways (systematically speaking), I've learned to use Astrological Hours especially the planets Jupiter and Venus AND I've learned to use the Astro-Clock to chart hourly transits through the houses....mainly following Jupiter and Venus and looking for blocks.

One friend and I, are much more into Magick and Mystery teachings, thus we began to employ the Planetary squares, symbols and sigils for best luck...and it seems to work well. Personally I also use numerology on the slots but the symbols for Venus and Jupiter when ascribed on my hands, seemed to force a win!! I encourage you to believe (or at least want to enough) and try it out.

Here are some examples of the planetary magick (Chriss Angel would be proud!):

Venus Square
Jupiter's Magick Square
For readings, astrology, HD, speculative en devours and fortunate fate engineering, call me 619-663-4844 or shoot an email


Hugh T Alchemy (Trevahr)


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