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Open Letter to Paul Stamets: Please Help Save Lake Atitlan

Dear Mr. Stamets,

I’ve been a huge fan of yours for many years now. I am writing to you today because I think your extensive knowledge and experience can be an asset regarding my vision to save Lake Atitlan, the third largest freshwater lake in Guatemala. This lake was said to have been written about by Aldous Huxley where he referred to this lake as “the most beautiful lake in the world”. As an active mushroom cultivator and amateur mycologist I paid special attention when you publicly made statements about how to solve the problems in the Gulf with the recent oil spill utilizing mushrooms and hair to absorb the petro-waste and have it consumed by voracious mycelium.

I feel that Lake Atitlan can be saved with the aid of fungi. In 2009 it came to the attention of the locals that cyanobacteria had been growing and blooming in the water. It is three years later and the lake is in dire need of cleansing. Many of the people who depend on the lake for fishing and everyday life have developed reservations about faring the waters or have altogether lost their jobs as a result of the growing problem. The indigenous population, Mayan peoples use the water of Lake Atitlan as their only resource for drinking water often without water purifiers.

If there is any information and/or advice that you and your organization can offer we would be most grateful for that. I am new to the area of Lake Atitlan. As a former US resident and Citizen of the World I am concerned with improving the conditions of the environment for my generation as well as the future generations like my eight month old son who lives with me and is being raised alongside Atitlan.

Thank you Mr. Stamets and the eyes of the world as we open our hearts to the healing and stewardship that living on this planet requires. Together with the kingdom of humans, animals, plants, and fungi our Earth is cared for.

“The lake even earned the unfortunate distinction the “Threatened Lake of the Year 2009” by the Global Nature Fund.” -Kara Andrade 

Please view these news links:


T. R. Hughes
June 3rd 2012


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