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Walk Such a Path that You'll Never Have to Wonder Again.

Tonight while out on the town for Cinco de Mayo, myself and my friend (switchboard operator Lori) interviewed Sara Huntley on EntheoRadio. (

Sara is a visual artist, art teacher, makeup artist, dance teacher, fire spinner, and contributing author to the MAPS ( bulletin. I included some the art that she contributed by being true to her passion and inspired by psychedelic and entheogenic culture.

Sara's art can be found at

The interview went great and Sara is a peach! Sara even knew about Frank Herbert and the Dune series which really excited and tickled me. I nearly started dropping phrases that only Dune nerds would know (like the spice must flow and kwizat-hateract). I encourage you to listen the the interview and I assure you that it gets better as we go on late into the show...especially after having such incredible difficulty with getting Sara on the line.

That interview was very in line with my purpose, destiny, and that which i am here to create...and yet with my prayers answers, i am writing you to offer feelings and emotions, perhaps fear that I and this community I am committed to could be grand beyond any stretch of my imagination.

I walk the path the my ancestors requested of me...I can't ignore the lives past that my body remembers which scream for the Initiation. This CALL to the "Golden Path" is incredible. I found myself having a breakthrough with "the brew" and almost instantly knew and was ready to pack up and take exodus of my "home" or rather the place that I have lived for the past year.

I prayed for knowledge. I prayed for prosperity. I prayed for initiation. I am fearlessly choosing these things...but why am i dreaming...what's coming to me from deep within the endless lives and spaces of my dna...

My prayers were answered and "Spirit" had a hand in this one, as I heard the teacher tell me on the phone tonight..."come sit circle. i don't care if you pay. if you want to learn about the medicine and how it's made, you can learn that but you will have to follow me into the forest for weeks at my request. It's one thing to talk about the medicine, mushrooms, lsd, and others of the sort but to teach about the not with my medicine!"

I may have pushed a button....and you know it's the same button that anyone pushes of medicine men who act without speaking. There is no regulation this work (same as with yoga and alchemy) and that's likely why I am attracted to it. I know that my path comes naturally and flows to me from visions and therefore (individually speaking) "needs no regulation." Religious church groups (with their medicines per say) may criticize me for my actions but ulitmately it is the same motivation behind my actions as their actions...the only (old paradigm) difference is they are a little older than me and have been around longer.

Shamanism and truth are not something that someone can covet...truth is unattainable but the selfish and flows freely and naturally and is the way of water...(i find it funny that i had just had this discussion with a pagan friend at the village witch in san diego not hours before)

PART TWO: "The Motivation is Faith"

In many ways the medicine man on the phone is right. Remember: "it is he who speaks that does not know and it is he who knows that does not speak."

Ah then why i am i talking...and why are you listening? Perhaps I know nothing and I am simply confirming this by talking or telling. This is true, and...(yes a big fat "AND")...there is truth in the unspoken part of the proverb...hence my question for you:

If he who knows does not speak, then what does he (or she) do... how is that person being?

The answer is listening. (This is listening from both the ears and the listening energy that Grandmaster Doc Fay Wong talks about...listening with all of the body and its chi systems!)

This is where my story prayers are always answered, it's simply a matter of if we are offering attention (or "listening"). So thank god that i am abundant and that i get to move and get to learn from a teacher as practiced as the man who cares so much about the integrity of his art that he would test me and tell me "yes" to learning from him and "no" to learning from websites that offer the information on herbal alchemy that I spend some much of my time reading.

One of the ultimate virtues of the golden path is to practice listening (I will attend this man's ceremony to see how he goes about listening).

I am passionate about the path and yes, this is the path that one would walk and thus never wonder again...(special shout out to Adesh Kaur who walks the path of kundalini and who walks it in a way that shall never lead her astray)... and the Jaguar who walks with me and is watching me from the trees and following so close these days.

I am so blessed and grateful that my prayers again where answered as I spoke to a dear friend and brother only to learn that we will soon build lodge and practice chants in the way of the people of the earth of America. I am so full of love and gratitude for these older individuals who stand firm in their words and who take me under their wings until it is time for me to walk across the coals...and to jump through the flames.

Yes my brothers and sisters...I choose to take on the diet, the abstinence, the fasting, the travels, the purge, and all the practices of WAKING WITHIN.

To be continued,

Yogi Trevahr
Herbalist, Yoga teacher, Mushroom Hunter
Priest and Professor of Alchemy and Shamanism

Sacred Spiral Community
Http:// (training all summer long...)


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