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Answering the Shaman's Questions

Question #1:

What is Shamanism? How does this dance with Ethnobotany, the plants of the earth, and the fungi?

Trevahr: As a modern alchemist, teacher, yogi, and metaphysician, I am forced to answer this from a perspective of faith and one who believes in Great Spirit. I am fully aware that there are many no so blessed as to have contact with the holy spirit/soul/source/miracle consciousness/samadhi and each of those...skeptics/scientific method oriented peoples will have a different opinion...and let me say that their opinion fact many of them are in face my teachers when it comes to plants, fungi, technology, and the sciences.

So what is shamanism? It is something that faithful people experience from the inside out and others simply observe as a tradition. I fully awaken to the differences of opinion and observation people share their definitions of this practice...

Practice. Shamanism is a practice (which involve "all that is" and therefore involves beliefs of individuals and groups). Shamanism is quite similar to Zen Buddhism as it is also a practice that does no necessarily intervene with one's religious faith. For example, my Grandmother and I (Mexico) can both be Catholic and modern and still practice shamanism and herbal medicine together without interfering with active religion.

As many people are defined, shamanism can too be defined by it's actions (in addition to it's words)hence shaman practice these things and observe some/most but not all of these faiths:

Folk Healings performed by a person of faith and practice.

Observational and intuitive knowledge of the spirit, plant, fungal, and animal worlds.

Expanded awareness of the Natural World.

Belief in Spiritual dimensions and spirits as they both exist and play a part in daily roles and human society.

Natural duality exists (i.e. good and evil)

Sickness and disease can be treated spiritually or supernaturally by treating the "evil/dishonored spirits" in each situation as these spirits have created the ailment.

Trance and Altered States on Consciousness can be employed using techniques (of ecstasy) such as drumming, music, rhythm, sound, breathing, body positions (ie yoga), plant or animal spirit medicine.

Trances and altered states can induce/evoke healing or visions for divination.

Direct communication with Great Spirit, God, Creator is possible and does happen fairly regularly...

A shaman believes that the spirit can and does leave the body of a human to journey in search of answers or new perspectives on information to benefit oneself or the tribe.

Shamans observe spiritual communication.

Shamans may take active roles in community as: doctors, counselors, healers, priests/priestesses, leaders or decision-makers(one of the major roles as diviner/oracle is "advisor")

To be continued...and further discussion on tonight's episode of EntheoRadio


Yogi Trevahr
Alchemist, Shamanic Priest, Ethnobotanist(in training)


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