Dear Friends,
Tonight we begin our series of conference calls and thus tonight marks the beginning of International community, education and sharing. As a result of this global change, I felt it necessary to communicate some key points.
1. Our community is an education based organization in which we never turn someone away, although we always ask for a donation or trade for our teachings/teachers. Thank you for whatever you give/offer in advance.
2. Please visit our website http://www.meetup.com/alchemy/ to pay through that medium or visit paypal.com and select the "send money" option and enter "TheSacredSpiral@gmail.com" or "Omtrev@gmail.com" if you are able to make a donation.
(Suggested $5 but anything is welcome! If you cannot donate please email us and let us know so that we can send you the conference call information)
3. 11/24/09 at 6pm PST The Intro to Shamanism and Ethnobotany series is a special one and to be part of it from the beginning is an honor.
Tonight we shall talk about: What defines shamanism, our personal shamanic experiences, and the herbs that induce altered states.
4. Remember this forum is a "freedom of speech and respect" space in which we honor all belief systems of compassion, understanding, peace, and healing. Our community is open and welcomes free speech regarding information and research of substances as Sacred/Religious/Spiritual medicines; but we in no way ever advocate illegal actions or activities. If you are a citizen of the world, it's your duty to abide by local rules and regulations and we encourage your safety through these actions.
Trevahr Hughes
Email: Me@Trevahr.com
Waking Within
and Sacred Spiral