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Tarot Cards at Radiance Festival

Dear Friends,

As you may know, I sometimes fill the shoes of an Oracle and have been seen at special occasions doing readings (usually with Cards) for people. Just over the weekend past, I did a few readings at Radiance Festival for friends and others who were intrigued with this intuitive form of information.

I read with the Animals Divine Tarot by Lisa Hunt primarily and I wanted to share with my friends the meaning of a card that continuously came up on Saturday night (Oct. 10th, 2009):

The World (Gaia, a Greek Goddess, Major Arcana Card #21)

Recognizing and embracing all living things as an important part of universal balance is a reflection of truly becoming in tune with one's being. The snake represents rebirth, renewal, and intuition. The spirals are symbolic of the creative life force. Its eternal rotation echoes the eternal cycle of the seasons, life, death, and rebirth. Leaves are indicative of the universal life pattern: rejoice in their budding and mourn their fall from the cosmic tree.

The ivy creeping up the tree is a symbol of immortality, as is the butterfly, whose metamorphosis shows us how life is ever-evolving. The tree is feminine and acts as a connection between the underworld and the aboveworld. Ferns represent solitude. Flowers are graceful and beautiful. The menagerie of animals represents many kinds of attributes, personalities, and states of being. By appreciating the incarnations of our being- the light, the dark, the beautiful, the ugly- we have arrived at a place of great inner peace and wisdom.

The great primordial deity of the ancient Greeks was the earth mother, Gaia. Before the creation of the universe as we know it, Gaia, "the deep-breasted one," existed as energy in a limitless pool of unidentifiable chaos. As she drew her initial breath, the chaos around her began to coalesce into mountains, ocean and sky. The sky, called Uranus, became her lover. The two clung to each other in unmitigated passion.

So intense was their love affair that nothing could flourish between earth and sky. Their union impregnated Gaia with all manor of life, including the Titans, but her children were unable to be born. The teeming life could not emerge from a womb cloaked by the smothering darkness of their father.

Gaia grew impatient and angry with her husband's possessive and wanted her children to be born. In frustration, she fashioned a sickle and gave it to her youngest son Cronus. With this instrument he castrated his father, thus enabling Earth to separate from Sky. The blood from Uranus's wound flowed down and fertilized the earth with hideous creatures and monstrous forms. With the birth of their children- the Titans, monsters, and all living things- time commenced and the life and death cycle were set into motion. Gaia's children are many and comprise the beginnings of the Greek pantheon.

This is the archetype of the fully realized self. Wholeness, integration, and individuation are completed. It represents the end of a cycle of endless journeys. Now we are free to dig deeper into our psyches and traverse new waters of self discovery. Like Gaia, who represents the anima-mundi or center of the world, we can now experience oneness with our own beings and the universe.

--Written by Lisa Hunt

The meaning of this card is generally a state of whole-ness, oneness with all living things, and self-awareness. This is an auspicious card and I find it funny how the Tarot begins and ends with the symbols of Divine Sky/Sun Father and Divine Earth/Universal Mother.

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