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Waking Within Darkness

Dear Readers,

Welcome back. As part of our business model and part of my personal agenda as a writer for these articles I would like to discuss topics that include the shadow self or side of modern media and yoga. So as forewarning this article will discuss the sides of the self that are "not so shinny with goodness."

As a modern day Martial Artist, Alchemist, Yogi, and Teacher of Esoteric Philosophies, I have encountered a great many things, inside and out.

As within, so without....

I this America War driven society, I find some amazing reflections of my shadow self...just the other day I was in discussion with a very aeiry fairy healer type friend. We were in a public place at a store that sells import items in Carlsbad CA and we were discussing the Practice of Kunlun Bliss (Taoist Alchemy).

So without, as within...

Anyways my friend whom I was talking with at the imports shop says to me that she was using the Bliss practice regularly with her meditations and with her planetary gong listening meditations and she came across a sticky space within herself. A dark spot with pain and healing to be had. This place inside my healer friend represented itself as a noise...

You know the noise that you hear when flesh tears...I mean get close to ligaments and/or abdominal muscles and see if you can relate to sound of tearing apart organic structure. In meditation that is what she heard. It can be both horrifying and disgusting.

Then she realized that this was the sound of being born...not traditionally. This was the sound of being born c-section. At the time of her own birth (I know this could be way out for you as a reader to believe that my friend had a memory of her birth), her mothers body was cut open and she as a newborn/fetus heard the sounds of this "cutting open" of the body of which was her home for 9 months.

I was neutral to the description but a little "un-nerved" upon hearing this about two months ago. I was also remembered ( and I would like to remind you reader)...that it has been researched, that during times of incredible distress or trauma...a body/human releases/assimilates DMT from the glands in the brain and this creates a sense of spiritual/hallucination or "being more than reality" such that we do not hold memories that are innately too horrible to "let go of".

(Keep in mind that death is a time in which DMT floods the brain naturally and would be released in lessened quantities as a result of crystallization of the Pineal Gland...which has been associated with Fluoride our tap water...hello!)

Shadow Concludes Self...after having gone within...

The conversation moved to other topics regarding forgiveness and friend told me that she cried relentlessly for a while and hugged her mother after this experience...and again I realized how vital it is know the shadow self and how to observe your mind's processes. I have noted many times this year what my "buttons" are and when an individual/friend pushes them how my self preforms a transmutation to Shadow.

I now know that it is important not to lose shadow...just like Wendy sowing Peter Pan's Shadow to his feet (that story makes a large commentary on the necessity of the shadow). Shadow is vital and to lose a piece of vital/lifeforce would mean to live as a partial being or...artificial...created...not real...(in alchemy) homunculus.

This is your author reminding you to be and remaining "at one" with Life, Mind, and Spirit.

Waking Within


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