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My Experience Healing on My Birthday

My Experience in Healing With Your Crystal Grid.

On Wednesday July 30th during the afternoon hours, I experienced and was introduced to a new form of healing work that was facilitated by Healer, business partner, and dear friend Christiaan Sun.

I came to visit Christiaan at his home where the healing work took place during a sunny afternoon in Encinitas and was greeted by a most pleasant scene. Christiaan's home is a lower level apartment behind a house located in a lust ranch yard of fruit giving trees. His complex which I assume is shared with like minded individuals is encircled with trees that provide a barrier like energy for privacy and to enclose his salt water pool. I immediately felt the healing energy coming through the trees and plants and of course the location.

So we talked for a couple of minutes about his background and Christiaan explained to me about the time where he was learning from a therapist who developed a form of Yoga (partner yoga or Acrobatic yoga) that allowed practitioners to manipulate their bones, joints, and muscles into place through contact with their partner. Of course as I am a Yoga Instructor, I found this fascinating. We set up the spare room that he has for his healing work where Christiaan had me lie upon a massage table for a neck adjustment.

Wow/Wah! I never knew my neck could make that kind of noise as it replaced itself.

Then we took done the table and set up this interesting grid of copper wire. (When I say interesting I mean it had some provocative energy on it that was truly unique.) Christiaan told me to "carefully" climb onto the copper grid and lay on my back (Savasana). He surrounded me with quartz crystal points in a special configuration such that all the crystals touched the copper.

At this point we took to breathing exercises. Christiaan asked me to breathe deep and rapidly through my mouth (Breath of Fire/Kabalabati) full and fast. This proved to be a challenge because I was sensing some stagnant energy and the way my being works is that more often than not, my gut and solar plexus hold the blocks from relationships, regrets or emotions.

I felt like perhaps I would pass out or vomit but I was able to maintain the breath work. Christiaan asked how I was doing and what I was experiencing as we took a quick brake from the rapid breathing. I expressed that I was feeling hovering sensation of being just above my body.

Christiaan responded with the idea that it was better for me to be absolutely in my body and present to the experience I was having. At this he suggested that I breathe into my body full and slow. For about a minute, I slowly breathed into my body and the presence of "how I was being". Then we began breathing rapidly through the mouth again this time I definitely felt something shifting, such that my solar plexus was dislodging from the spiritual cesspool that it was stewing in as of the last month.

With the tenacious focus of rapid breathing, I was invited to roar and let out primal sounds or what ever came up for me. At first, simple roars and yells began to emerge and shortly thereafter I was receiving stomach pit dry-heaving or "yakking" noises. What happened next was miraculous. Amidst all the noise and movement, I saw myself in the form of an animal (always a Jaguar/Mountain Lion) trapped and attempting with every fiber to escape from a Tar Pit (like one that Mammoths and dinosaurs were subject to).

The amazing thing was, that I (being in this pit) actually surfaced and took a breathe. This breathe was my first breathe in a long time, it felt fresh and new. I immediately understood that all the "yakking" sounds where my way of removing the tar from my lungs and insides as it had seeped in over time and experience with the real world of illustion (maya).

I laid there in my experience upon the copper and crystal grid, tingling and glorious. For the next few minutes, I was left alone in the room where I experienced my beloved senses and an overwhelming sense of gratitude for my breathe above the tar. I experienced tears and freedom and a glimpse of a master teacher/friend whom I am attempting to meet in the month of August (this teacher's name is Max and he told me in my vision to "look and listen").

In my opinion, this type of work is amazing and would benefit all students and individuals who present themselves as Open, Honest, Loving, and Willing. I am still experiencing profound understanding from this experience and it has helped me to let go of addictions after a recent breakup with my partner/lover ( a few days before).

By Trevahr
Yoga Therapist, Alchemist, Director For Waking Within Co.

Waking Within:


Dana Plant said…
WoW! Thank you for sharing your experience. I also went through this process with Christiaan and had an amazing experience too!. I did it on the new moon solar eclipse after an 18 day cleanse. I experienced an immense release and definitely went through a re-birthing process. I re-connected with the Divine Mother and my sacred self. Christiaan served as a pillar of grounded light and I felt completely supported and loved. Namaste, Dana

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