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Yoga As Preparation For Death and Dying- Chapter II

Dear Readers,

This is the second entry in our discussion of Yoga as Preparation for Death and Dying. Today we will be addressing a continuation of knowledge from the last entry as well as a tie in to Quantum theory inspired by both David Bohm and Alan Watts.

Be reminded that this specific type of discussion helps yoga practicitioners to identify their life as a playing field littered with conversational landmines of the taboo. A yogi has discriminative logic and wisdom enough to sidestep these landmines when necessary.

This is a quoted landmine but still a truth coming from the website (see link above on Alan Watts): "the whole universe consists of God playing hide-and-seek (Maya or illusion) hiding from himself by becoming all the living and non-living things in the universe, forgetting who he really is; the upshot being that we are all God in disguise."

Yoga and death are systems of liberation from our world, body and minds. As of late I have noticed more often how many Eastern philosophies treat the mind as a place of spiritual entrapment (the mind is a funny thing see blog entry titled Softening The Mind), as the soul is stuck in a rather forgetful state of illusion as it moves though lifetimes of rebirth in different forms over billions of years in order to fully realize itself.

And yet there is little for the wise yogi to worry about. As all rivers lead to the ocean and all paths lead to spirit, the great eventually is that enlightenment will happen or rather transcendance is incur.

It is a great joke as to whether or not all this yoga teaching (that I and millions are involved in)can really make a difference in the speed at which a new world enlightenment is actualizing. There will be besome who say it was us (referring to the universial "lightworker" or healer or indigo or crystal children) that caused the shift. There will be those that say it was destined to happen and that no amount of anything could have changed the pace at which it happened. The truth (and I know this from my solitary meditations upon the concept of death and dying) is that both are parties are correct about what causes the shift (2012, the great conjunction, whatever heaven/hell may come). I know I risk crucifixion for stating this but destiny and free will are both here and do most definately exist (in paradox but still exist).

I learned just today as listening to a lecture by the late Alan Watts: I am simply playing, mind and body, with the belief and the intention of changing the world or enlightening the pool of consciousness. In actuality, I can intend all I want but never truly realize anything because it's all a play. I am happy I realized this because it takes the design of my destiny and the destiny of the universe into a paradox of "in my hands" and "out of my hands." Both destiny and predestination are true but imperfect ways of explaining what is really going on in this dimension/life. I mean to say that I now take comfort in the play of masks that are Yoga, Yogi, Westerner, Trevor Hughes.

I am so comfortable in my so-called Self that I look as this really as the ultimate volunteer work. I realized that is this life is a rather large cheriade then God would most definately appreciate me "acting to the best of my being." So I have begun a policy of teaching people how to act to the best of their beings.

Aside a la Yogi: Since most of my time is spend in meditative practices, I do believe that it is less and less possible for me to accomplish acts which are not mutually forwarding to all beings. Even though I recognize the illusion and comedy of existance, I am not going to make a mockery of it by going out and performing an array of unconscious actions. I have also noticed that things that make life worth "being" are often harmonious and quite relative to the golden mean ratio (nature growth patterns that can be seen in all things, principly noticed in Spirals).

This is a powerful way for Westerners to comment or at least understand Nirvana. Nirvana as explained to me in western college equals (mathematically translates to english as) extinction. Nirvana helps humans to label non-existence. Please allow me to make a mathematical analogy relating to Nirvana. Nirvana is a 0 in the grand equation of the universe, which is made up of matter, which consists of particles which pretend stasis or existance when observed by human science. Therefore Nirvana would be comparable to the energy of nothingness.

If all the universe is, is E=MC^2 (with everything consisting of one side or the other of the equation. That means everything is energy) and what is referred to in the Buddhist tradition (remember Buddhism is a mental yoga that broke away from traditional yoga a long time ago) as Nirvana is Zero or E=(energy)=0.

As a practice of meditation, please sit quietly and try to imagine or visualize the zeroing of all entire in the universe. Or simply envision and experience in your meditation what a universe with Zero energy would be like.

This a Buddhist technique used as a method of sort of tricking the intellect out of itself. Many Buddhist and yoga doctrines profess that them mind is a trickster of existance that was created a a means of greater survival and must be integrated with the cosmic mind in order to serve the ultimate purpose of realization.

Realization in this discussion refers to the mask of Maya or illusionary existance or God's play/staging, noticing and existing in a way that comes to fully know itself and it's origins.

As above, so below.
As within, so without.

To Be Continued...

Trevor Hughes
Waking Within Co.


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