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Showing posts from August, 2012

Dune; Frank Herbert's Masterpiece

Have you read this novel? Dune is one of the must reads for anyone growing up in this era of transformation and technology. It was created by Frank Herbert in the 1960s and it still has meaning (in addition to some of the highest ratings for Best Sci Fiction book and audio book). Personally I've read every Dune story written by Frank Herbert and many of them written by his son Brian. I've chosen a few quotes for you below that seem to represent the changes that have come to news during the Obama administration 2012. Many of these quotes have something to do with the opinions or observations of the characters. These are selected from Book 4: God Emperor of Dune. Personally I love this book and intent to re-read it because originally I disliked it due to cynicism of the main character Leto II. Enjoy, Hugh T Alchemy The following quotes come from a collection assembled by the fine author at  please visit his site for the complete works of Dune quotations. _

Salvia, Ska Maria Pastora Entheogenic Ritual Group

Ska Maria Pastora, the Shepherdess or Salvia Divinorum is a sacred entheogenic plant of the peoples of Mexico in the mint family. It was used long ago, mostly likely, by the Maya, Zapotec, Aztec and Omec. Many modern Indigenous groups still use Salvia Divinorum through a process of chewing rolled leaves at night time for healing and divination. Modern descendants of the Maya and Zapotec as well as Mixtec and Oaxacan peoples still utilize this plant today. Most often we hear that they use it as a substitute for the Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis and Psilocybe species) during the seasons when the mushrooms are not fruiting.  Salvia Divinorum is an easy plant to cultivate and can be very sustainable and rewarding to the Shamanic Herbal enthusiast. It is primarily probagated through cuttings but lately the plants that many of my friends keep are sprouting flowers and eventually seeds. These are sensitive plants and, I believe, need lots of loving care. If provided a safe and