Last night, I was gifted with an in-person interview with Ralph Metzner Ph.D. that can has brought my awareness to shine more brightly on other areas of study. My time with Ralph, truly encouraged me to learn about alchemy of the ancient times, divination, expansion and contraction of consciousness, journeying to the well of remembrance, and the possibility of the Annunaki. Later that night, I went to bed thinking about the possibility that star beings came to the earth and sort of helped genetics along with the humans. Even the scenes of violence in a movie that my roommates were watching were strangely invaded by questions: What if we are hybrids of another race of beings? What if the violence isn't truly's just nature and the brutality of organic DNA that lived here millions of years ago? We do share common ancestors with the dinosaurs, so what of our own reptilian brains? Check out the interview and post me some comments about what you think or what thoughts ...
Our articles discuss ecology, green psychology, psychedelics, yoga, alchemy, ancestors, shamanism, the medicine path and dreams. Our author Hugh T Alchemy is a radio show host for EntheoRadio, a show dedicated to consciousness.